Addams Family Grace
Da da da dum (snap snap)
Da da da dum (snap snap)
Da da da dum
Da da da dum
Da da da dum (snap snap)
We thank you Lord for giving,
The things we need for living
The food, the fun, the friendship,
The Scouting Fam-i-ly.
Ah, Poor Bird
Ah, poor bird
take thy flight
high above the sorrows
of this dark night
Air Raid Alarm
This is an air raid alarm, ******
This is an air raid alarm, ******
This is an air raid alarm,
Stick your finger in the air
I do not want to die, ******
I do not want to die, ******
I do not want to die,
Stick your finger in your eye
There is nothing to fear, ******
There is nothing to fear, ******
There is nothing to fear,
Stick your finger in your ear
Won't you come into my house, ******
Won't you come into my house, ******
Won't you come into my house,
Stick your finger in your mouth
Lie down under the table, ******
Lie down under the table, ******
Lie down under the table,
Stick your finger in your navel
Lie down in the grass, ******
Lie down in the grass, ******
Lie down in the grass,
Stick your finger up your nose
Alice the Camel
Alice the camel has five humps, (Each time the number
of humps is said, bounce once)
Alice the camel has five humps,
Alice the camel has five humps,
So go, Alice, go.
boom boom boom (Hit hips with the people next to you on
each boom)
(on last time, instead of "So go, Alice, go," say "So Alice is a horse")
Alive, Awake, Alert
I'm alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic
I'm alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic
I'm alive, awake, alert
I'm alert, awake, alive
I'm alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic!
(Clap one time each for alive, awake and alert, and three times for
Alleluia/ Praise ye
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia,
Praise ye the Lord
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia,
Praise ye the Lord
Praise ye the Lord
Praise ye the Lord
Praise ye the Lord
Praise ye the Lord
(Split the group into two halves- one half does the Alleluias the other
does the Praise ye the Lords. To make it more fun, have each half stand
up when they sing and sit down when the other group sings.)
All Girl Scouts
(to tune of Generic Army Marching Cadence)
I don't know but I've been told,
All Girl Scouts are good as gold.
I am one, and I say it's true,
Scouting's great for me and you.
Sound off: 1, 2,
Sound off: 3, 4.
Bring it on down: 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2. 3, 4.
Daisy has a disk of blue,
They are Scouts that are brand new.
They are cute and they are sweet,
Daisy Scouts are fun to meet.
Brownies have a disk of green,
They are second on the scene.
They wear a uniform that's brown,
Their smile song can erase a frown.
Junior level is the next,
A yellow disk is on their vest.
They say that camping is big fun,
And they earn badges one by one.
Cadettes are teens that care a lot,
Their service projects hit the spot.
A white disk is the one they wear,
The name Girl Scout they're proud to wear.
Senior disks are red, I know.
They are Girl Scouts on the go.
With Wider Opportunities,
Some Girl Scouts go overseas.
Leaders have no disk at all,
They come all sizes, big and small.
They share their time and talents too,
They make Girl Scouting great for you.
Amazing Grace
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind but now I see.
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear.
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come.
‘Twas grace that brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shiny as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise,
Then when we first begun.
Amen, Amen, Amen
Announcements, announcements, announcements!
A terrible death to die,
A terrible death to die,
A terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible,
A terrible death to die.
Announcements, announcements, announcements!
Here we sit like birds in the wilderness,
Birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness,
Here we sit like birds in the wilderness,
Waiting for our news.
Announcements, announcements, announcements!
A Pizza Hut (A Ford Escort)
A Pizza Hut, a Pizza Hut
Kentucky Fried Chicken
And a Pizza Hut (2x)
McDonalds! McDonalds!
Kentucky Fried Chicken
And a Pizza Hut (2x)
A Ford Escort, a Ford Escort
A little bitty Metro
And a Ford Escort (2x)
Ferrari! Ferrari!
A little bitty Metro
And a Ford Escort (2x)
(Actions: Pizza Hut- make shape of hut with hands, KFC- flap arms with
hands in armpits, McD's- hands together, spread apart in arches, Ford Escort-
bounce hand three times, Metro- hands on little steering wheel, Ferrari-
hand in, then straight out)
Apples & Bananas
I like to eat, I like to eat,
I like to eat, eat
Apples and Bananas
Repeat, replacing all vowels with long A, E, I, O, U
A Ram Sam Sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Gooly gooly gooly gooly gooly ram sam sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Gooly gooly gooly gooly gooly ram sam sam
Araki, araki gooly gooly gooly gooly gooly ram sam sam
Araki, araki gooly gooly gooly gooly gooly ram sam sam
(Actions are: hands in fists with thumbs up on table; hands in same
position, this time thumbs touching edge of table; pointer and ring finger
touching table; pointer and pinky finger touching table. This is done with
both hands and with practice can be done very fast although it hurts the
knuckles if not done properly.)
Ash Grove
Down yonder green valley, where streamlets meander,
When twilight is fading, I pensively roam.
Or at the bright noontide in solitude wander,
Among the dark shades of the lonely ash grove.
'Tis there where the blackbirds are cheerfully singing,
Each warbler enchants with his notes from the trees.
Ah, then little think I of sorrow or sadness,
The ash grove entrancing spells beauty for me.
Once an Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high
When along came an avalanche interrupting his cry
Yo le he
Yodele he he
Yodelhehoo swish (Hands with palms down, fingers outstretched)
Yodele he he
Yodelhehoo swish
Yodele he he yo
Grizzly bear--grr (Hands close to chest, palms out, fingers
St. Bernard--(pant twice)
Milking maid--ch ch (Pretend like milking cow)
Pretty maid--(kissing noise twice)
Girl Scout--cookies sir? (One hand, palm up)
Camper--I don't want to do it
Counselor--do it anyway
(Each time add one more motion while singing the rest- always start
with swish and end with last verse added)
A, You're Adorable
A- You're adorable
B- You're so beautiful
C- You're a cutie full of charms
D- You're a darling, and
E- You're exciting, and
F- You're a feather in my arms
G- You look so good to me
H- You're so heavenly
I- You're the one I idolize
J- We're like Jack and Jill
K- You're so kissable
L- Is the love light in your eyes
M, N, O, P- I could go on all day
Q, R, S, T- Alphabetically speaking, you're O.K.
U- Make my life complete
V- Means you're very sweet
W, X, Y, Z- It's fun to wander through
The alphabet with you
To tell you what you mean to me!
A, You're an Antelope
A- You're an antelope
B- You're a buffalo
C- You're a cantaloupe with ears
D- You're a dinosaur
E- You're an elephant
F- You're a fairy in my arms
G- You're a goody-good
H- You're so homely
I- You're an icky-bicky-boo (icky-bicky-boo!)
J- You're a jellybean
K- You're a kidney bean
L- You're a lima bean, too
M, N, O, P- I could go on all day (Please don't!)
Q, R, S, T- Alphabetically speaking, you disgust me!
U- Wear no underwear
V- You're a vegetable
W, X, Y, Z- How I love to wander through
The alphabet with you
And tell you how you nauseate me!