1~15 nov.98

Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis - Or May be Not?

I don't remember exactly the date of this occasion but it was interesting because it had connection with one case before and I really had opportunity.

So in order: 1st case - It was in second year of my institute life. We were yielding harvest, (after us such custom was abolished). So we i.e. the group of uncontrolled by anybody of supervisors were at large. We were disposed in one of camps. It was early fall. At that time the next events took place: I was in the room reading a book alone. I turn my head and see in the doorway a really pretty girl. She had nothing similar to primness. She was really were pretty had a slim figure has a good parameters such as I respect. And, (it's important), she smiled to me kindly, (not seductive, but really amiable). It was not as one moment or a whiff. She waited me surely more than a minute or may be three. It seemed to me, time stopped at all. Then she departed with a little tinge of regret. Of course after this I felt as dud. Why did I not even say a word to her? (But, Why did she not say anything to me?) By the way almost all guys and girls in the camp had a very pleasant time and enjoyed each other. It was a time when I heard "Enigma" first time. This music suited everybody and I had to listen it all the time. When I hear it music now I feel acute feeling as a pang of pity for myself. After this I often thought that I couldn't make the same mistake twice. I wished to have such situation one more but hope was not strong.

2nd case - about 1~15 nov. 98 I happened to be in one office near Subway station "Kurskaya". I was in the firm, which I helped on the trifle occasions. And then it happened! I guess, (even now), it was the same girl. Images of them mixed in my mind in one. To tell the truth I was no alone in the office and she came to ask when they usually have a lunch and did they not mind against her company. She was in good humor it was a pleasure even to look at her. It was a real chance. I have certitude that girls prefer to make acquaintance in the company of friends or at the job or in the theatres. So it was a cert. First accident was about seven years ago. All this time I thought I will come through but I failed.

3rd case - You will laugh at me but it was not the end. I will not tell you about my feelings after this, try to imagine themselves. But next day I was in that firm again. (I had executed their order). And we had a lunch, (on my account). Suddenly those girl come to our table and ask: "Can I take a seat with you?" My companion thought it would disturb me, (or may be it was malevolence? - I don't believe in it). So, her appeal was cancelled. It was terrible as stark fact. But if you will remember previous cases you will see the real scale of disaster. (Are it not too pathetic? - No, probably not).

It reminded me one episode from movie, I have never seen. So I'll tell you. One man sits on the sofa. Another comes to him and hits him in the face. Siting man no moves. Then he tells: "Hit me once more." Ruffian hits him in the same way. Then siting man suddenly stands up and knocks offender down. In my case I was beaten thrice in the same way.
