

Joyful and full of fun
He runs for the fields,
Leaping and laughing
For the sheer pleasure of it all.
I'll bet that others wish
That they could see what he sees.
His path has not yet been found,
It is overgrown with underbrush
But soon, it will be cleared away
To reveal the true path,
For you can follow none but your own.
It shall reveal the way,
Lit by rainbows and moonbeams.
Soon he shall find
What he has always looked for,
Though he may not know it.
So full of life is hi,
He does not know he searches.

I'll take thee away
To a land of enchantment
Where stars fall in the river
And voices sound merrily
Across the land.
Fly away with me
To a magic land
And together we shall be
In this place
Forever and ever.


I remember tales of long ago,
Stories and poems that told me so.
Things forgotten and long past,
Things that never had a chance to last.
Righted wrongs,
Glad singing songs.
And life was lived for all it was worth.
What happened to all the mirth?

The Wishing Well

Staring down to the depths below,
Far beyond the limits of sight and sound,
I whisper my heart's most fodest wish
And send it far beneath the earth.
It flies to the end, riding on a copper coin.
Rushing past stone borders,
Down to the water below.
Falling away from the world I know.
I turn away
To look at the greeness of the world,
Take a deep breath,
And rejoice in the laughter of the world.
