Here is a picture of our beloved leader, Jenny Eve.  Jenny Eve plays Nadine Hurley and Shelley Johnson.  She is 21 years old and was raised in Southeastern Idaho, USA, and now lives in New Mexico, USA.  She has been married for one year, and lives with her husband and their 18 month old son, Emilio.
    She loves the outdoors, and enjoys hiking, biking, swimming, horseback riding, and nature walks.  She says that she is really a mountain girl at heart, and she misses the mountains of Idaho.  She hopes to move back to Idaho or Washington someday.
    Jenny Eve is also a musician.  She plays the violin, the piano, and sings.  She has also been known to wail on an accordian or strum a guitar.  If it weren't for stage fright, she would love to sing professionally.  As far as her taste in music, she likes mostly rock and roll from the likes of Nirvana, Janes Addiction, and the Dave Matthews band.  She also enjoys 80s music such as The Cure, Boy George, and Cyndi Lauper.
    She is a huge bookworm!  Her favorite authors are Stephen King, John Irivng, and Tom Robbins.  She likes to spend hours getting lost in a fictitious world.  She is a writer of short stories and poetry, and hopes to someday complete her Epic novel.
    She is also a computer geek.  She loves making graphics and writing HTML, and is working on learning JavaScript at the moment.  She loves to download all sorts of software, even stuff she doesn't need (sounds like you have a bit more hard drive space that I do, *L*), just to play around with it.  She is planing on returning to school this summer, and hopes to major in Computer Information Systems, and English.  That way, she can work with computers by day, and be "qualified" to write her Epic novel at night :)
    Jenny Eve became interested in Twin Peaks a few years ago and was hooked after she saw the pilot.  She jumped at the chance to get involved with the TP3SP, and has been involved since the early days of the TPRPG.  She says that she has a great time writing with everbody and discussing Twin Peaks.  She hopes that the 3SP gets a chance to run its course and get the recognition it deserves.

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