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Rev Spiceland
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Rev Spiceland

Featured Claim Of The Month:
This hard rock mine hidden in the foothills of California and may look inviting, but when you visit the site, DO NOT ENTER the mine shaft! Danger is always present, so exercising extreme caution and common sense is without question. Easily accessible, this recreational mine is only a 2 hour drive from San Francisco. Since all forests governed by the Bureau Of Land Management are open to the public, everyone is welcome to explore this 150 year old mining site. Turn a few rocks, wash a little gravel and any "finds" are yours to keep! A Map Package for this abandoned mining claim and an assay report are available to anyone who wants to experience the goldrush of 1849.
The shaft entrance is located
above the waterfall and is approximately 6 feet high by 5 feet wide.  In the 1800's an ore cart was used to transport the rich white quartz to a stamp mill across the creek. Still in place are the heavy steel tracks that run deep into the mine.
A waterfall and babbling brook
make this abandoned claim the perfect place to relax and commune with nature. Located at an elevation below the snow line, visitors can enjoy prospecting, camping, and picnicing, year-round. The unspoiled beauty of this picturesque setting and a quartz ledge with native gold await you.
Membership Applications
will be processed within 24 hours upon receipt. When ordering Map Packages include your name, address, and $5.00 for shipping and handling. Make checks or money orders payable to the Empire Gold Mine Club and please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
Confidentiality is a concern and we guarantee your personal information will not be shared with anyone or by anyone from this club. For more details, including private tours, use the Hot Line, E-Mail, or phone: 925.586.2686
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Reverend Seymour Spiceland
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