Here's my fiance Keith's page. It's a cool place if you like anime, especially Yu Yu Hakusho. Definitely a cool place to visit.
This is Karen's page. She's my best friend from high school. She has a lot of Star Trek, and science fiction things on her page. She even has a link to Subway's page.
This is Keith's sister's page. She's got a lot of stuff on the Deftones and Jimmie's Chicken Shack and some upcoming stuff on Sailor Moon.
Here's a link Brian's page. I haven't looked at it yet, but it's here. Looks like he has a ton of music stuff, and things about wolves.
My brother's page. He has tons of art, poetry, and anime.
This is my friend Mike's page. Lots of sports stuff. He's a major Giant's fan. He also has some cool music, and comic pages.
Another Yu Yu Hak page mostly devoted to Hiei. This is my cousin Becca's page.