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The current SK Fans list (check it out and get added to it!)
MegaKat Diner - A "Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron" fansite
2005 October 15

SKFL + a few pages being updated right now

The rest of this site still suffers from broken links galore. All the non-SFKL pages on this site can be considered dead. Just that their corpses are still on display.

In other news, the old e-mail account, ts003 at has died. The account passed out of existance a few weeks ago. Please refrain from emailing there, also unfortunately i've lost all the emails to that account. Highly unfortunate for me, not relevant for ye, since the new email for this site is and has been in perfect operation for two months by now.
(read older news)

   All Swat Kats fans: go and check out the SK-fans list, and get added to it!

This site is best seen on my computer monitor at night - but I hope it looks just as good with your settings ;-)

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The old counterservice I used broke. So sue me.
MegaKat Diner - located at

This website is [not well] maintained by: the_Shadow_003.
This page was last modified: 2003-12-15 CET 20:12
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