the SK Fans List
| ICQ | Yahoo!Messenger | MSN | AIM |

<the SK fans list> <How to get on the SK Fans list>

(Enter MegaKat Diner)

SK fans that use Yahoo!Messenger

This page is sorted in alphabetical order without any consideration towards where the ones on the list are located on this or any other planet.


|    E-mail the webmaster (the_Shadow_003) at: []         |
|          Yahoo!Messenger - get it at Yahoo!             |
|    This page was last modified:     2005 July 2 CDT 06:27             |

| How to get added to the SK fans list | MegaKat Diner | Site - index page | Sign Guestbook | Read Guestbook | back to top |
MKD's location
ts003's e-mail:
I [ts003] can not guarantee the correctness of the data provided here. I rely on that the SK-fans provide me with fairly accurate data.
I will not give out the e-mail on non-email listed SK fans without their permittion. This is all if the SKfan is aware of his/her/its presence on the list.
If it/she/he is not aware, I will try to notify, althought sometimes I may accidently not succeed. In such cases, the data will remain on the list until the SK fan has gotten in touch with me and informed me about her/his/its preferences for the list and the belonging data.
For more information about the list, go to the "get added to the SK fans list" - page.

I wrote and edit this site manually in Notepad. Since I write/edit all the HTML myself by hand, it's not that unlikely that there'll be some errors here... If you find anything that's malfunctioning, then e-mail me.

SWAT Kats - © Hanna Barbera. This site is using SK images, etc, without permittion from Hanna Barbera
ICQ - © ICQ Inc. The ICQ images here are used without permittion from ICQ Inc.
AIM - © AOL/Netscape The AIM images here are used without permittion from AOL or Netscape.
Yahoo! Messenger - © Yahoo! Inc. The Yahoo! messenger images here are used without permittion from Yahoo! Inc.
MSN Messenger Service - © Microsoft Corp. The MSN Messenger images here are used without permittion from Microsoft Corp.

Please do not sue.