Lots of pics ahead!
First off here's our favorite Plane of Air mule Posmomma to help us model some mods.
Here's poor Posmomma trapped inside the usual UI.
Ok, first up is Athee's Location Wizard, which simply rools. I love the notes on things, like below "(click tree to go back)" and for The Grey, it even mentions the need for EB. What, not nifty enough? This window actually replaces a completely unrelated window, and yet, preserves the original window's function - you type /f to access it. Dat's right... this is now your Feedback window, and if you look in it, at the bottom there's Posmomma's name and a text box. You can enter feedback there. It's 2 great windows in 1!
Next a few various things. A fat hotkey window I found that puts your main inv alongside it; the last two items are the PRI/SEC slots. Pretty cool, although I ended up not using this.
Next a couple if items from the "slimline" line of mods. There's a bunch of these, presumably made by the same person, and I like them a lot. The two here are the slim menubar (up top, you'll notice there's no useless header), and the slim inventory screen. More compact, and the biggest greatest facet... the left-hand drop window. The main inv slots being right above it is great too. Anyone who's done a lot of tradeskill combines knows how great this is. No covering up the rest of your inv screen with a couple containers, trying to minimize the space you've gotta cross in dragging items, etc. By the way, for Posmomma there's blank space below her xp bar; if she was of level, she'd have an AA bar there. Great job. Huge-ass destroy button for easy destruction of crap stuck on your cursor.
Posmomma shows off the very tiny hotkeys of this mod, as well as her not so tiny other assets. /cough Anyway, this mod isn't actually called TinyKeys, but it should be. Cute! I like that their short height is more conducive to lining up with how tall (or short) I make my chat windows.
This inventory mod was based on the oldskool inventory screen's setup a bit, but also has the left-side drop box, and inside it is the animated class pic, which I think looks nifty. A good mod I think, although as Posmomma says, the right hand side is a bit ugly, just because the xp bar goes off further than the rest of the text, leaving lots of blank space... that could have looked better very easily. Also I'm assuming an AA bar appears there after 50th. I ended up using the slimline inv though.
A slim (not sure if it's the 'slimline' brand) spellbook... maybe doesn't look it, but is I'd say 80% the size of the current one.
Ok next is stuff that's already covering a full UI I've adopted, but I forgot to take a ss of the UI - Halie's Melee Blue and Halie's Caster Blue - in their basic form... but of course Stratics has some at its download area if you wanna see 'em.
Meanwhile here's the first of two windows from the Tradeskill Companion mod, very nifty. First is the recipe window, then the tradeskill vendor locator window. What I really liked about how the guy packaged these files was that there's all the files, and then a variety of window files, and you get to choose which window file to copy. So if you want to have the Recipe window take place of say, the useless Help window, you just copy all the recipe files plus his Help window file he's made, and voila... g'bye Help, hello Recipes. You can even replace Gems!
You'll notice (unless you could really care less) that the recipe window doesn't even include Poison, Alchemy, or Tinkering. Or Fishing!! Egads. It also lacks Cultural info, so there's much work to be done at that one. Fortunately some gnomes have added Tinkering recipes via a mod that actually alters, of all things, the Action window. Three new tabs for Basic, Velious, and Luclin tinkering.
Here's some before and after UI shots then. I don't have one for Syrinne, but hers was pretty damn standard and boring. The one I worked most on was Keeh's - I kept my stat window hovering over the middle of the grouping window, still able to use the Invite/Follow/Disband buttons easily enough. A couple windows, one for melee and junk, one for more interesting things. Basically trying to push everything to the sides.
Here's bazaar mule Tilleny's old screen, just to show you the inv screen of Velespio's UI (I think I just butchered his name). I buried this mod somewhere but just found it now, so I might try incorporating this inv screen. I like how tiny it is, how sleek and minimal the stat window and targeting bar are, etc. Any stat bar has to have %'s too... dunno how I operated w/o 'em. This one lacks an XP bar though. The one on the inventory screen is neat because it's elongated, so you can see xp per mob much better, but a percentile will do that more nicely, esp. if it's always on your stat window, not hidden in inv.
Ok, finally, here's my newest UIs for Keeh and Syrinne. The first is Keeh's although I put it together first here on Posmomma. So this is that Halie's Melee Blue UI I was talking about. I LOVE that hotkey box. Teeny main inv slot baggies. Maybe you can't see it here, but the inside of the windows are pixel-thin light blue horizontal lines, which seemed a bit cheesy at first, and made me wonder if I'd get sick of the color etc., but it actually helps in reading tiny text. The only elements on this screen that are NOT the HMB UI are the stat window and slimline menubar. The stat window, I forget the name but can find it again np. It's a melee-only window... HP, STA, XP, AA. Numerical HP in top right, AC and ATK at bottom. Perfect. What I forgot to show here is that the Pet window has been replaced by a Spawn Timer, which is sleek, nifty, unobtrusive, and I'm really not sure how to use it.
Finally here's Syrinne's new setup, and you can see more of the Halie UI here, although this is the caster version. There's a red version of this UI, which I wanted to use, but he/she foolishly put a dumb-looking graphic image as the background, not the simple thin lines like the blue one. I'm gonna even email him and ask him to change it. :p
Things you can see here that are new... the Caster/Pet stat bar... 6 lines now! HP, Pet HP, Mana, STA, XP, AA. Never have to open the stupid pet window again. The tracking window is like Tracking for Dummies, or, non-rangers. Since we can't use the niftier sorting options rangers get, they've just been eliminated from this version. Recognize the inventory window? That's the slimline one. Halie's blue UI perfectly adds its designs to all other mods. How cool is that? You saw it on the recipe/tracking/etc. windows... I don't have a shot of how it looks on the Location Wizard window... but I'm sure it's groovy.
The other new item here is you can finally see a buff. Halie's UI has an anti-box buff box. There's no visible box at all, just the icon and name. I could do without the text myself. I've got a mini-buff mod I'm gonna try out.
All of these I got from the Stratics page - I don't have all the names but can look at the files if you want to know a particular one.