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A Sense of Iron
work of phil abernethy

toronto canada


Floral Canon

Iron, Copper wire, fabricated glass
16.0"h x 8.0" dia

My favorite piece! Made for my folks for xmas 97, for all thier patience. The name came when I saw it full of flowers - bursting like a 'canon' as in music.

Gained entry to the '98 Crafts National Exhibition at Penn. State Univ. (thanks Kim!)
Narcissi's' Sail

Iron, mirror. Dyed reed by Kim McBrien.
48.0" h x 30.0" w

Commissioned. The sail is to a vessel as a mirror is to the narcissist.
Path to the Point

Iron, binding wire, cedar, fabricated glass
20.0" dia x 7.0" h

Started at Peter's Valley Craft Center spring '98 while attending a course under Blacksmith/sculptur Peter Joseph. My first forge weld!! later removed and tapered...first one and it looked like it too!!(Thanks Peter!)

Curvy Twisty Viney Thing

Iron, copper wire, binding wire, fabricated glass.
8.0" h x 10.0" dia

Often when Kim and I work together there's this 'curvy twisty viney thing happening' - as she calls it. We reckon it's a product of letting go of constraint.
Tripod Bowl

Iron sheet and bar.
10.0" dia x 5.0" h

Another product of the session at Peters valley. The arrangment of the legs makes it self supporting. Talk about mediative states, I could have hammered the bowl away! The rythm you get into is so amazing.
Cardinal Points

Iron sheet, copper pipe. Copper wire by Kim McBrien.
24.0" dia x 12.0' h

Made for garden sculpture exhibit at a local craft gallery. Like the idea it will decay back to where it came from.

Iron, copper wire, binding wire, fabricated glass.
14.0" h x 8.0" dia.

Threes' figure strongly so I've noticed.

Gilded Iron sheet, copper pipe.
18.0" dia x 12.0' h

Look at the sky!!
Hanging Bottle

Iron, copper wire, fabricated glass.
18.0" l