*An insincere, contemptible, or impertinent imitation of something worthwhile.
Thursday, February 04, 1999
9:00 p.m. Man, I'm kind of shocked I didn't recieve a mailbox full of hate mail over yesterday's entry. In my old journal, the one we can't talk about here, I would have. I have received several supportive e-mails, mostly from long time readers that really know I'm not who I appear to be these days. They are aware of the frustration, the bitterness, the hate I've kept bottled (pardon the pun) up for too long now. After the other day's antics, I am more than ever determined to vent more often, verbally, in writing, anyway I can besides jumping into a bottle. My parents haven't called or come by the house, so I'm sure I'm in a world of shit with them over this whole thing. They will get over it, or they won't, it doesn't really matter to me at this point. They've had their fair share of problems in the last couple of years, and I've been there for them even though I didn't necessarily agree with what they were doing. I only wish they wouldn't judge me on one day's stupidity, but it's not looking promising.
Speaking of crazy shit, I watched the Death Jump, the Knievel motorcycle jump from the top of one building to another, on FOX earlier this evening. That guy is the bravest motherfucker in the world... or the dumbest, I'm not sure! Shit, I'm out of time to write any more. It's time to get ready for work . . . Good Night! |