International Association for Dialogue Analysis. (visit the site)
LOGO: Asociación española de estudios sobre lengua, pensamiento y cultura clásica. (visit the site)
International Association for the Study of the Controversies. (visit the site)
"Il senso antropologico dell'amicizia nella poesia nahuatl", March
4th, session of the course Le lingue
e le culture precolombiane, Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano,
Rome, February 24th - May 19th, 2009.
Conference La fede e la ragione, Università della Santa Croce, schools of Philosophy and Theology, Rome, February 26-27, 2009, with the paper "Il valore critico della fiducia".
Course "Antropología del cuerpo en Octavio Paz", for literature teachers of middle school, in the "Talleres de Capacitación para Profesores 2008", Instituto de investigación en Educación, Universidad de Costa Rica, February 2-6th 2009.
Conference "El relativismo del siglo XXI", Cátedra Karol Wojtyla - Colegio de Profesionales de Ciencias Económicas de Costa Rica, San José, February 4th, 2009.
Presentations of the book La
debilidad del poder creador in Mexico City, Cuernavaca,
Guadalajara, Puebla, Mexico City, Monterrey, San Luis Potosí (view)
Course "La virtud humanizadora de la experiencia artística",
UPAEP, Puebla, August 29, 2008.
Conference "El sentimentalismo en la persuasión", Universidad
Iberoamericana, Puebla, August 28, 2008. View
the poster.
Course "El misterio de la persona humana en la música
Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, August 23, 2008.
Conference "La revelación de la condición humana en la experiencia artística", Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, August 22, 2008.
Course "Mi verdad tu verdad. Diálogo y argumentación", para la Maestría en Historia del Pensamiento, Universidad Panamericana, Facultad de Filosofía, México DF, August 4-27, 2008.
Conference Word Meaning in Argumentative Dialogue, by the International Association for Dialogue Analysis and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Miland, May 15-17, 2008, with the paper "What does sentimentalism mean? Emotive meaning in some elliptic and a fortiori argumentations".
Professional Seminar Church Communication and the Culture of Controversy, Università della Santa Croce, Facoltà di Comunicazione Istituzionale, April 28-30, 2008, with the paper "Pregi ed insidie dei microfondamentalismi nella presuasione".
Lecture about "Il profilo professionale e umano dell'artista nel mondo nahuatl" for the Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano, as part of the course "Le lingue e le culture precolombiane" (February 26th - May 13th, 2008), Roma, April 1st, 2008.
Among the most meaningful conventions:
XXIII Reuniones Filosóficas of the Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona March 3rd-5th, 1985. Paper: "El trasfondo moderno de los presupuestos gnoseológicos de Gottlob Frege".
International Symposium Ludwig Wittgenstein and the European Culture, L'Aquila, April 13rd-18th, 1988. Paper: "La relazione di raffigurazione nel contesto fregeano del Tractatus".
XXIX Reuniones Filosóficas of the Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, March 2nd-4th, 1992. Paper: "El mal en la poesía y en el ensayo de Octavio Paz".
III Symposium of the History of Logic, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, May 3rd-5th, 1993. Paper: "Copulatio in Peter of Capua (12th Century) and the Nature of the Proposition".
XXXIII Reuniones Filosóficas, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, March 25th-27th, 1996. Paper presented with Massimiliano Muzzi and Andrea Totò: " La musicología sacra: comunicación de una experiencia y de un proyecto".
Retorica e argomentazione, organized by The International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione dell'Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, April 22nd-23rd, 1997.
Dialogue Analysis and Mass Media, organized by The International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, April 2nd-3rd, 1998.
Pragmatics and Negotiation, Tel Aviv University and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv - Jerusalem, June 13rd-16th, 1999. Paper: "Negotiating Meanings: The Appeal to Dictionaries".
Dialogue Analysis 2000, organized by The International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Università degli Studi di Bologna, June 15th-17th, 2000.
Recent Trends in Dialogue Analysis, organized by The International Association for Dialogue Analysis and the Gothenburg University, April 19th-21th, 2001. Paper presented in collaboration with I. García Martínez (Univ. of Oviedo): "Separating vs. Uniting Distance in Chicano Speech".
Argumentation in Dialogic Interaction, organized by the International Association for the Study of Argumentation, the International Association for the Study of Controversies and the International Association for Dialogue Analysis at the Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, June 30th - July 3rd, 2002. Paper: "A Topica between Logos and Ethos - The Evaluation of Understanding as a Means of Argumentation".
Retórica, Globalización y Cultura, organized by "Logo: Asociación española de estudios sobre lengua, pensamiento y cultura clásica" at the Universidad de Salamanca, December 9th-13th, 2002. Paper: "Babel y la retórica de la redención".
Dialogue in Literature and the Media, organized by the International Association for Dialogue Analysis at the Salzburg Universität (Salzburg, April 23th-27th, 2003). Paper: "Monologue and Dialogue in Politeness Choices".
He was one of the organizers of the conference Poetics & Christianity,within the Ongoing Seminar of the same name, at the Faculty of Institutional Communication of the Università della Santa Croce (Rome, April 28th-29th, 2003). He held one of the plenary sessions with the titel "Narrative della redenzione".
La filosofia come strumento di dialogo tra le culture, organized by the Società Filosofica Italiana (SFI) at the Università degli Studi di Bari (Bari, April 29th - May 2nd, 2004).
Language, Culture, Rhetoric: Linguistic Communication in a Cultural and Rhetorical Perspective, organized by Association Suédoise de Linguistique Appliquée (ASLA) at Örebro University (Örebro, Sweden, November 6th-7th 2003). Paper: "Wishful Thinking and Argumentation through Metonymy".
Literatura Hispanoamericana y sus valores, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogotá, September 20th-22th, 2004. Paper: "El valor del cuerpo en Octavio Paz".
Homenaje a la memoria de David Mejía Velilla, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogotá, September 23th, 2004. Paper: "Belleza e inconclusión en la poesía de David Mejía".
Conference La necessità dell'amicizia, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, School of Philosophy, Rome, February 24-25, 2005. Paper: "L'amicizia come fine dell'uomo nella cultura nahuatl".
He was one of the organizers, for the Ongoing Seminar Poetics & Christianity, of the conference "The Way Home" (University of the Holy Cross, School of Social Institutional Communication), Rome, April 28-29, 2005. (visit the site)
Conference Cooperation and Conflict in Ingroup and
Intergroup Communication,
organizad by the International Association for Dialogue Analysis and
the University of Bucharest (Faculty of Letters, Department of
General and Romanian Linguistics), May 26-29, 2005. Paper: "The Role
of Goodwill in Conflictive Communication". (visit the site)
"IV Conferências Internacionais
de Epistemologia e Filosofia. Sócrates, Octavio Paz, Michel
Serres e José Saramago. Século XXI: um desafio
socrático - como devir humano, uno e múltiplos",
Instituto Piaget, Campus of Viseu, Portugal, November 10-12, 2005.
Paper: "Historia e identidad en Octavio Paz: la libertad ante las
libertades". (visit the site)
A Schnittke Day, Official Opening of the "Schnittke Archive",
Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmiths College, University of London,
February 25th 2006, with the paper: "Three Approaches to the Mystery
of the Human Person through Schnittke's Music". (view
the program in pdf)
I Encuentro Mesoamericano
Universidad de Costa Rica - Universidad Autónoma de
Centroamérica - Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos,
San José, Costa Rica, September 4-5, 2006, with the inaugural
lecture "Familia y universalidad del hombre en Octavio Paz", and the
paper "La hagiografía de Javier Sicilia".
Incontro-lettura e tavola rotonda "L'etica nel ventunesimo secolo":
presentation of the book Die
Möglichkeit des Guten. Ethik im XXI Jahrhundert, by Wilhelm
Vossenkuhl (Beck, München 2006), Goethe Institut, Roma, October
19, 2006, with the professors Marco Ivaldo and Andrea Gentile, and the
presence of the Author.
He has been one of the organizers of the third conference Poetica & Cristianesimo. Mimesi, verità, fiction, of the School of Institutional Comunication of the University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 29-30, 2007.
II Encuentro Mesoamericano
Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Lenguas Modernas,
San José, Costa Rica, August 13-14, 2007, with the paper "La
poética de Joaquín Antonio Peñalosa".
Videoconference "The Mystery of Man in Contemporary Music", for the UNED (Universidad Estatal a Distancia) and connected universities and schools, San José, Costa Rica, August 15, 2007.
III Coloquio Internacional
Literatura Hispanoamericana y
sus valores, organized by the
Universidad de
la Sabana (Bogotá) and the Universidad de Costa Rica, in San
José, Costa Rica, August 16-17, 2007. Paper: "Los hijos de la Malinche, de
Octavio Paz".
Conference for FIDAPA (BPW in Italy) "Il mistero della persona umana nella musica contemporanea", Ischia, November 24, 2007. (view article)
Among the most meaningful courses:
"Pure and Applied Semantics in 12th and 13th Centuries", Doctorate Course for the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad Panamericana, campus of Mexico City, August 17th-30th, 1993.
"Introductory Seminar to Medieval Logic ", in the within of the History of the Medieval Philosophy (ordinary: Prof. Alfonso Maierù), Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", (Dipartimento di Studi Filosofici ed Epistemologici), academic year 1994-95.
"Antropología y lenguaje: ordinario, poético y musical", Doctorate Course for the Faculty of Philosophy Universidad Panamericana, campus of Mexico City, August 11th-22nd, 1997.
"La unidad del hombre en el lenguaje poético y musical", cycle of conferences, Universidad Panamericana, campus of Guadalajara, August 26th-28th, 1997.
"Semantic and Reasoning in 12th to 14th Centuries", Doctorate Course for the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad Panamericana, campus of Mexico City, August 1999.
"Lógica, argumentación y diálogo", course for graduates, Universidad Panamericana, campus of Guadalajara, August 1999.
Course "The Revelation of Human Condition in Musical Experience", Universidad Bonaterra (Aguascalientes, Mexico), September 12th-14th 2001.
Course "Lógica, argumentación y diálogo", Universidad Panamericana (Guadalajara, Mexico), August 3rd &endash; September 4th 2001.
Course about dialogue for the company Sicap (Tijuana, Mexico), September 19th-21st.
Course for Master in Humanities, "La antropología de la poética de Octavio Paz", at the Universidad Bonaterra, Aguascalientes (Mexico), August 9th-31st, 2002.
Continuity course for teachers of the Universidad Bonaterra, Aguascalientes (Mexico), "El valor unitivo de la distancia en el diálogo", August 22nd-28th, 2002.
Course "Dialogo e argomentazione" for the Speciality in Anthropology and Ethics of the Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara (Messico), September 10th-24th, 2002.
Course "Dialogue and Argumentation"
for philosophy untergraduates of Universidad Panamericana, campus of
Mexico City (August 9th-26th, 2004) and for the Master in Humanism of
Universidad Bonaterra (Aguascalientes, Mexico, August 27th -
September 11th).
Course "Dialogue and Argumentation" for philosophy graduates of Universidad Panamericana, campus of Mexico City (August 14-18, 2006), for the Instituto Juan Pablo II at Guadalajara (September 28-30) and for the Master in Arts & Humanities of Universidad Bonaterra (Aguascalientes, Mexico, September 8-23).
Among the most meaningful seminars and conferences:
"Wittgenstein y la autorrealización del hombre en el centenario de su nacimiento", Universidad Panamericana, campus de Guadalajara, October 27th, 1989.
"Esplendor y ocaso de la cultura occidental: persona e interdisciplinariedad", Magisterial Lesson held in closing of the course for managers "Valores y cultura occidental. Retrospección y perspectivas", Centro Panamericano de Humanidades, Monterrey (Mexico), July 5th, 1993.
"La poética de Octavio Paz y la antropología personalista de Juan Pablo II", conference for professors of the Universidad Panamericana, campus of Guadalajara, August 16th, 1993.
"L'immagine dell'uomo nel linguaggio poetico e musicale", conference held in Verona, March 15th, 1996, at the Marani Center.
"Man's Image in Poetic and Musical Language", Magisterial Lesson in opening of the scholastic year of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad Panamericana, campus of Mexico City, August 5th, 1997.
" Love, Family and Marriage in Octavio Paz ", three conferences held in McMinnville, Oregon (Linfield College, September 10th, 1997), in Clackamas County (Clackamas Comunity College, September 10th), and in Oregon City (Carnegie Center, September 11th). The latter two conferences for the Oregon Chamber of Commerce.
"La retorica in una considerazione integrale dell'uomo", conference held for the association Mosè & Aronne (society of formation for the communication), Rome, April 8th, 1998.
"El pensamiento antropológico en la poética de Octavio Paz", conference held at the Dirección General de Literatura of the Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes (Mexico), September 1999.
Seminar about dialogue for professors and graduates of the Center of Studies of the Traditions of the Colegio de Michoacán (Zamora, Mexico), August 29th 2001.
Conference "Autocreación y comunicación", Universidad Bonaterra (Aguascalientes, Mexico), September 14th 2001.
Conference about dialogue ("El diálogo en la educación"), Universidad Panamericana (Guadalajara, Mexico), August 30th 2001.
Seminar about search at the university, for coordinators of undergraduate courses, Universidad Bonaterra (Aguascalientes, Mexico), September 13th 2001.
Seminar for the Department of Cultural Diffusion of the Universidad Bonaterra, with the titel "¿Qué pasa con la música clásica?", about contemporary music, August 21st, 2002.
Conference "Cortesia, argomentazione e dialogo", for undergraduates of the Philosophy and Communication schools of the Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, September 3rd, 2002.
Seminar "La poética de Octavio Paz" for teachers of the Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, September 9th-23th, 2002.
Seminar "Narrativa a través
del cine: 'Amores Perros' y '21 Gramos'", Universidad Bonaterra,
September 9th and 14th. (view
the placard)
Session about "Politeness as expression of human being's dignity", per teachers of the telesecundaria rural and the preparatoria agropecuariaof El Peñón, Jonacatepec, Mor. (Mexico), July 10, 2006.
Seminary about dialogue for professors of general studies of ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México), August 21, 2006.He has listened to the course La retórica como herramienta de la comunicación, organized by the Asociación Española de Estudios sobre Lengua, Pensamiento y Cultura Clásica LOGO, University of Salamanca (Dirección de Cursos Extraordinarios), Spain, November 23rd-26th, 1999 (40 hours).
In Guadalajara (Mexico), stage of practices at the office of information (Dirección General de Comunicación) of the Government of the State of Jalisco (mutual collaboration with Governor's Speaker), August 1999.
Expertise for the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico (search project to be financed), September 2000.
Collaboration for the Scuola
Superiore dell'Amministrazione dell'Interno (session about
communication and dialogue, in the within of the "XVI Corso
Dirigenziale per Viceprefetto Ispettore", Rome, October 31st.
Presentations of the book La debilidad del poder creador (view the index): August 17 in Mexico City (Universidad Panamericana), August 31 in Guadalajara (Universidad de Guadalajara), September 15 in Aguascalientes (Universidad Bonaterra) and September 21 in San Luis Potosí (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí). View the poster of: UP, UdG, UASLP.
García Cuadrado, José Angel, La teoría de la suposición en los tratados filosóficos de San Vicente Ferrer, doctoral thesis, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona 1990. (Afterwards published as: Hacia una semántica realista: la filosofía del lenguaje de San Vicente Ferrer, EUNSA, Pamplona 1994.)
Muñoz Cho, Ricardo, Metáforas constitutivas de teorías. Génesis y configuración en Max Black y Richard Boyd, doctoral thesis, Roma 1992.
Salomón H., Eugenio R., Domingo de Soto y la enseñanza de la lógica en México en el siglo XVI, licenciate thesis, Roma 1992.
Lahoz Z., Carlos, Reglamentación del lenguaje trinitario en Pedro de Capua. Análisis semiótico y contextualización histórica, doctoral thesis, Roma 1992.
Gual G., Salvador, "Illatio" e "instantia" en la Summa Theologiae de Pedro de Capua, doctoral thesis, Roma 1997.
Mora Martín, Rafael M., La teoría del signo y la suppositio en la filosofía de Guillermo de Ockham, doctoral thesis, Roma 2002. (Published as: La teoría del signo y la "suppositio" en la filosofía de Guillermo de Ockham, EDUSC, Roma 2003.)