10 October 2001:
Due to the recent passing (4 Sep 2001) of Michel de Salzmann it is
clear what the current situation is of the both issues I mentioned
in my letter to him. Because I never received in the years a personal reaction
from him.
Dear Dr. de Salzmann:
I am sending this letter to you as you are the titular head of the
Gurdjieff Stichting Nederland and of the teachings of Gurdjieff elsewhere
in Europe and America - possibly for the whole planet. If this is a misunderstanding
on my part, please forgive me. A copy of this letter will be published
on the Internet at: http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Village/9888/michel.html.
(This internet-site is the newly adapted (January 1999) platform for
publication of the works of the writing group which you suggested to form
in the season of 1996-1997 in Loenen, Utrecht, Netherlands).
This letter is a repeated question and asks for your help against the current downwards processes in the groups of the GSN during the last 2 years.
My repeated question
The reason that I send you this letter is in the first place that I want to repeat my invitation to you in a bilateral and now public way for writing an introduction for the English version of my book. "Gurdjieff and Judaism". It could be that you did not have the time to react on my former invitations (my letter of 11 June 1997 and that of 31 January 1998). As I have written in my book, this study of mine is fully comprehensible with the objectives of the GSN which you yourself did have signed in 1973.
I did send to you, today more than one year ago, one issue of my book and a provisional English version of it of the first part. In the covering letter I did ask you to react with your additions or remarks in a wide sense. Until now I did not have received anything from you, which I do regret very much. I wish to say that I really do respect your wide knowledge and therefore am I keen to hear something from you.
I can say now that the second part of the text in provisional English is ready and I started already with the third part.
My protest and my asking for your help
On 13 January of this year (1999) I wanted to give my writing activities a new start, so I attended that day the gathering for remembering the birthday of Gurdjieff at the GSN-farm. That evening I spoke with several people and I asked them about this writing group and its plans. To my disappointment I was told that all writing activities were stopped. And I came also to hear that my book was received very badly in the group.
Some other important observations of me were that evening, that about half of the responsible ones, mostly the elder, were not there! And moreover I perceived that the leader of that evening did speak rather disdainfully about the absent companions of his group. But it gave me an even bigger shock when I noticed that these words of him, uttered in a secure way, were received hilariously by many people.
Besides this I noticed that very much people of my group (2) were not there either.
I ask your help to invert this degenerative process and to help us towards the reestablishment of the former normal circumstances.