Welcome to my Guestbook!

Boyana - 11/09/00 20:34:42
My Email:bubachko82@hotmail.com

Zdrasti lelyo,Bobby e.Mnogo ti e hubava stranicata

Paulo Carneiro - 06/22/00 18:31:48
My Email:pfercarneiro@hotmail.com

Your page is very interesting. I will look it more closely later. Who is the girl in the front page? Congratulations.

Nori - 10/13/99 11:43:39
My Email:shibata@iname.com

Hi, Nina. Your home page is great. I wish I could make a page like yours. Downloading was a bit difficult and I only could saw the first page. I tried visiting others but there was no response. Maybe I'll try another time. Bye.

José Eduardo Cardoso(Ed) - 04/28/99 12:19:38
My Email:jemc@zaz.com.br

Congratulations by your home page. I don´t work in this area, but I wish you good luck and keep your way.

Lil - 04/08/99 20:30:35

Nina Velikova, I visited your home page. It is very good. Your work speaks for itself. You are really an excellent professional. Lil - Washington, D.C. USA

Lil - 04/08/99 18:24:15
My URL:http://www.come.to/nina-v

Nina Velikova, I visited your home page. It is very good. Your work speak for itself. You are really an excellent professional. Lil - Washington, D.C. USA

jan - 04/02/99 21:39:27

Hi Nina, we were chatting tonoght. If this is your picture, you really look young. I also could appreciate your work. Hope really to meet you again. Jan - Lint (Belgium)

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 10:01:22

Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald. /a>

Marcio Hiroshi Okabe - 01/24/99 22:56:51
My URL:http://www.arteweb.com.br
My Email:marcio@arteweb.com.br

It was really nice to met you in Englishtown. You are a very good Graphic Designer. From Brazil

Tony Bolcina - 01/13/99 11:16:24
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Workshop/8204/
My Email:Bolcho@hotmail.com

I have been looking for a Graphic designer, one at least with a bit of talent, but what I have found is a gifted person whom I have the pleasure of sharing a neighbourhood with. Keep it up Nina. p.s. I am very impressed with the poster designed for the 10 x 10 x 10 exhibition.

- 10/19/98 11:29:08


petko - 10/07/98 14:48:37
My Email:unimash@tetra.bg

ne sam spezialist,taka tshe ozenkata mi nyama da povliyae na profesionalnoto vi samotshuvstvie. namiram pokasanoto sa mnogo dobro /po prinzip ne ispolsuvam dumata otlitshno- idealno tvardo tyalo vav fisikata nyama/

- 10/06/98 09:10:59


- 10/02/98 11:32:01


Niki - 09/30/98 12:40:43
My URL:http://omega.bg
My Email:nikke@omega.bg

Hi, Nina! I'd like very much your exelent Home page. Please contact me to tell me more about you and your dreams. I look forward to hearing from you soom I miss you! XXX

Nev - 09/26/98 19:23:56

ihaaaa !!! Great job Mom !

Free - 09/26/98 12:15:41
My Email:wilkie@hongkong.com

Nina: It's great to see ur designs...........

Sergei - 09/26/98 07:07:14
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/7596
My Email:ssn@mail.wplus.net

Dear Nina. I am deeply impressed by your homepage and the examples of your works! You are really very talanted graphic designer with original character and a sense of style. I am sure, you will have a great success. With the best wishes Sergei 26.09.98

- 09/25/98 20:48:53


- 09/24/98 12:08:15


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