nancy - 11/10/99 19:07:34 My URL: My Comments: woohoo Questions: wussup? hehe Requests: uhm...thats inappropriate ;) How'd you come across my page?: i found it, and cuz i wanted to | Comments: Love you're poetry. Reminds me of mine, lol. *smiles* Miss talkin to ya. |
poetseer - 04/07/99 03:39:44 My URL: | Comments: Liked your graphics. Liked most of your poems. |
Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald.
Stevie - 10/16/98 04:50:35 My URL: My Comments: Nice poems Questions: None Requests: Make a page for each poem How'd you come across my page?: I was looking around in SoHo/Workshop | Comments: Keep up the good work! |
Erma B. (fionaluver, nermal_cat) - 08/31/98 21:28:20 My URL: My Comments: cool page dude! Questions: remember me?!?! Requests: reply How'd you come across my page?: ICQ friend form yahoo chat | Comments: Hey, it's me, haven't chatted with ya in a while, i know your girlfriend, nosferatu4life! still don't remember? my icq is 11004864. cool page, great poems! i couldn't have done better! ~erma |
Alia (dwomen) - 08/31/98 14:19:09 My Comments: umm I like this site Questions: hoiw r u? Requests: you should have some of my poetry in it | Comments: |
Alia (dwomen) - 08/31/98 14:18:06 My Comments: umm I like this site Questions: hoiw r u? Requests: you should have some of my poetry in it | Comments: |
it was kathy last night - 08/30/98 20:54:07 My URL: My Comments: little yellow school bus Requests:*shrugs* How'd you come across my page?: you told me to go you numbnut | Comments: hmmm....interesting, very interesting..... |