2004 Final Statistics for You Geeks

Average Points Per Position Player    
Foster Handy HB Ish Mitch Newms OMs Pounders Sausage WarDan Avg StDev Max
QB 20.4 15.0 13.4 16.3 14.5 16.4 14.6 12.6 15.7 19.4        15.8          7.9           41
RB 9.1 14.7 14.4 16.1 16.6 21.0 18.7 17.6 18.7 14.6        16.2          9.0           47
WR 12.4 12.6 14.6 14.8 16.3 12.5 12.3 15.4 13.9 14.8        13.9          9.0           53
K 7.8 8.6 9.9 7.3 7.1 10.0 6.5 7.4 8.5 9.5          8.3          4.8           24
D 9.3 13.1 10.2 12.7 10.8 11.3 10.6 5.4 12.4 9.9        10.6          7.1           30
Total 113.4 118.8 119.5 129.2 128.9 133.7 120.5 119.4 131.4 131.8 124.7        25.1         212
best week 212 leader above avg Click here for Individual Player Stats!
worst week 64 lowest below avg

The story with this graph:

In 2001 we went from 9 team league to 10 teams, slightly lowering all averages.

QB: In 1999, we lowered passing TDs from 6 to 4. 2003 was the lowest year since that change.

RB: We haven't changed the points at all, but as running backs increasingly tend to come out of the backfield and receive passes, as well as run, the averages have migrated upward.

WR: In 2002, by getting rid of the third WR, the average went up, so the drop in 2003 was expected. Still, the 2003 average was the lowest ever.

K: Long field goals (40+ yds) were increased from 5 to 7 a couple of years ago (I think in 2000); still, Kickers are the lowest position in the Leege, although 2003 was the highest ever. Their irrelevance is also exacerbated by the low variance.

Defenses:   In 1997 I think we added 1 point for sacks, that's why it jumped that year.   The addition in 2000 of Kickoff and Punt returns as a Defensive score appears to have had little effect. Defenses was the lowest since 96.

TE:   Was in 2002 only.

one standard deviation each way from your average