Missionary Baptist Ministry @ Saparaphi Arcade, Congressional Road, DBB,
Dasmarinas, Cavite 4114 Philippines 4217
Philippines Tel. (46)4164261


It is a Missionary Baptist correspondence ministry which was started by Edwin Jardinel in 1987 in Davao City.  Brother Edwin has made a series of  correspondence lessons designed to guide an individual in understanding the Scriptures and its messages.  The first 10 lessons were made in 1987 and later on more lessons were added to them. In 1996, the name was changed to Bible Correspondence Ministry. This ministry is authorized by Bethel Missionary Baptist Church.

The Bible Correspondence Ministry offers a free correspondence course to anyone who desires to know more about the teachings of the Bible.  There are 15 lessons being offered at present, and those who finish the course will be given a Bible as an award (as the Lord provides).

To view the lessons, click here.



You must help in promoting the FREE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE among your church members, friends, relatives, and the people around you. Persuade them to enroll.  All who are taking the correspondence course must be encourage to do the same and if they are willing, they will be given extra enrollment cards according to the number of their prospects.  This procedure will result to the multiplication of the enrollees and their spiritual growth. Enrollment cards will be sent upon request.  Distribute them to interested individuals.

Our part is to help responsive correspondents get in touch with a pastor of a scriptural church in their locality.  We will also consider the priority of endorsing prospects to churches supporting and promoting this ministry.


The success of this Bible Correspondence Ministry will greatly benefit the local churches.  The more Christian and churches support this ministry, the more it can help them reach out for the lost.

The effectivity of this endeavor largely relies upon your prayers and financial support.  The appeal of this free correspondence course to the masses also depends on the quality of materials and promotion we make.

Presently, we are greatly in need of your monetary assistance in order to produce quality materials such as enrollment cards, lessons, envelopes, Bible, tracts, certificates, etc.  Not only that, we also need to produce a good quantity of them.  Furthermore, our printing and mailing of the lessons cost us much.

This job of reaching the people through correspondence is to heavy for us if we are left alone.  We need your involvement.  Be a part of this ministry.

What is your decision?

Pastor  Edwin Jardinel
Bible Correspondence Ministry
Dasmarinas, Cavite
4114 Philippines
Tel. (46) 4164261
Cellphone 639196181123
email me