P.O. Box 30523 Lipa City 4217
Philippines, Tel. (43+63) 756-5052
Lesson No.14    Date____________________________
By Edwin Jardinel

 Baptism is a pictorial ordinance given by the Lord Jesus to His church (Matt. 28:18-20).  It pictures the saving Gospel by which men are saved-- the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Baptism is an English word transliterated from the Greek word, "baptizo" which means to dip, plunge, or immerse.  Pouring (Gk.  "echeo") and sprinkling (Gk. "rantizo") can never be called baptism at all based upon the original text. .   Immersion signifies the believer being buried with Christ in the likeness of His death and raised with Him in the likeness of His resurrection (Rom. 6:3-5; Col. 2:12).  Scriptural baptism is immersion of believers in water under the authority of a true New Testament church (Mt.28:18-20).


  1. What did John the Baptist preach and require before baptizing anyone?
      Matthew 3:2,6-8___________________________________________.
   2. Did John baptize people who had not truly repented of their sins and were still
       unregenerated "vipers" or children of the devil? Matt. 3:6-8_____
      What did he require of them?_________________________________
   3. After Philip preached to the Eunuch about Jesus, what did he require before baptizing
        him? Acts 8:27-38 ____________________________________
   4. What did the people at Pentecost do , after they gladly received  God's word?
        Acts 2:41_____________________________________
    5. Should babies or individuals who are incapable of understanding ,
        receiving and believing God's word be baptized? _____
       Was Jesus  old enough when He was baptized? Matt. 3:13-17 ______
       How old?     Luke 3:23 ___________
    6. What became of those who repented of their sins, believed, and received Jesus as
        Lord and Savior? John 1:12; Galatians 3:26    ________________________
    7. In what way can you prove your sincere belief in God?  Luke 7:29
    8.   If you are truly a child of God, will you obey Christ's command to be baptized ?
          Matt. 28:18-20 ______


   1. Does baptism symbolize our salvation through Christ's death, burial and resurrection?
        Romans 6:3-5 _____  What two words in verses 4 and 5 imply that baptism should
        be  immersion? __________________________________________
    2. Has pouring or sprinkling of water any significance to Christ's death, burial and
        resurrection? _________
    3. How did John baptize Jesus based on the phrase in Matthew 3:16 which says, "And
        Jesus when He was baptized, went up straightway out of the water?"
        _____________________________Is that phrase applicable to the so-called baptism
        by sprinkling or    pouring?_________
    4. Why did John the Baptist baptize in Aenon, near Salem? John 3:23
    5. Is much water needed in performing baptism? _________________
    6. Was it necessary for John to baptize in Jordan and Aenon river if he would just
         sprinkle or pour little water upon the candidate?____
    7. What mode of baptism did Philip perform for the Eunuch based upon Acts 8:38-39
         __________________________________ Was  it necessary for both of them to go
         down into the water if   sprinkling or pouring was applied?______
    8. What is the right mode of baptism according to the practice of John the Baptist, the
         apostles, and the teachings of the Bible?    [ ] Pouring  [ ] Sprinkling  [ ] Immersion


   1. Is Jesus particular with a person's authority to do divine works?
        Matthew 21:23-27_________
    2. Was John the Baptist a missionary from God? John 1:6 _______
    3. Where did he get his authority to baptize? John 1:6; Matt. 21:25
    4. Was John identified as "THE BAPTIST' because he had divine authority to baptize?
        Mark. 1:1-4; Mt. 3:1 ________________
    5. Who approved and endorsed the title "THE BAPTIST" to an  authorized baptizer?
        Mt. 11:7,11____________________________
    6. Jordan is about 60-70 miles from Galilee.  In Matthew 3:13, it says that Jesus came
        from Galilee to Jordan to be baptized by John the   Baptist.  Why is the baptism of
       The Baptist so important to Jesus  that he sought for John the Baptist despite the
        distance? ___________________________________________
    7. Did Jesus give the authority to baptize believers to the church that He founded on
        earth? Matt. 28:18-20 _____ Can you call the Lord's church as "MISSIONARY"
         based upon her works, "GO, PREACH!?"    ___________________
    8. If Jesus called John as "The Baptist" because he was authorized by God to baptize,
        What should be the title  of the church that has a mission and is authorized to baptize?