Our Mission is to place the Claims of Joozis The Meshuga of Milpitas in front of the Jews for Jesus

Click on these photos for the exciting and moving stories of conversion to the TRUE RELIGION

Louis Kaputzki

Rose Pipick

Moishe Hablivilah

Fanny Getcher Gunn

Mike Gorganzola

Go to a High Hoogly Mess for Roscoe

See the Holey Motha



A different overview of this site. See our Hoogly LINKS and other reading material.

Christians wanting to Convert Jews?

Here is a flier with helpfull hints from former (almost) Christian, Mike Gorgonzola.

Who Is Joozis?

Read about the fastinating person of Joozis; By the famous Reverend Billy Graham Crackers with Harley Milk

Find Out about the Ishkibibble

The Ishkibibble is the Hoogly Word of the Great God Mota brought down to us by E-mail and FAXes from Poopy Panda, The Lord Roscoe, The Little Lord Joozis, and Their Hoogly Prophets.

The Old Man and His Hamster

Find out about this central theme of the Lord Roscoe and the Other Gods

TISSUES Read a magazine giving a Messy Rosconian perspective. Essays, poetry, and stories.

Opportunities to Serve

Be a part of what The Great God Mota is doing at Jeez fer Joozis!

The Holey Motha of Medigungle

See a picture of an Appearance of the Holey Mother of Mota at the shrine of Medigungle


Stories of Pegunkins who are for Roscoe

Read these fastinating and heart rendering stories of converts to the religion of the Lord Roscoe

Preview and order our Resource Catalog

Cassettes filled with our Entertaining and Hoogly Services. Oh yes, and lots of Hoogly Electronic Du Ma Flotchies

Rosconian Music

Listen to the sound of the Rosconian Hoogly Rollers and the story of Gramma Oolia Oomba by the Roscoe Players!

Sign My Guestbook
We'd love to hear from our readers.

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Leave an opinion, a statement, a question, or even a poem.

Rosconian Tantrum Moga

Visit the Rosconian Hoogly Moga Tantrum Bombastic Academy in Newark and study with the Bombasts as they go about their Hoogly work building Beep Oscilators and Poopy Panda Stuffed Toys

Second Kingdom up in Heaven's Gate

Visit the Hoogly Hamster Retreat in the Hills of Milpitas and prepare for the Hoogly Herd of Hamsters


See some excerps from our wonderful ROSCOE MOVIE


See how Aaron helped defeat the GUNK and save the DAY


Visit Saint Shlimiels' Chapel of the Valley

Experience an intimate Roscoe Mess at this traditional but caring congregation!

See the herd of Hoogly Hamsters!!
You are visitor Number since 9-25-98
©1996 Jeez fer Joozis

Box 195 Los Altos CA 94023
e-mail: Moishe Hablivilah

Copyright Information

Any similarities between this web site and that Gobolty Gook Jews for Jesus site are strictly intentional. It is our aim to convince people that they should take The Lord Roscoe to be their Personal Saviour, metaphorically and humorously.
