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The Missionaries of the Lord Roscoe will come to your door!

Each and Every Rosconian has a MOTA given Responsibility to convert DONT BLEEVERs to the True Faith in The Lord Roscoe, Poopy Panda, Elucelom, Nortcele and The Little Lord Joozis.
Some of You Folks out there don't know the TRUE TRUTH of de Lord Roscoe and in the Little Lord Joozis and in the Great God Mota and in Poopy Panda.

These Folks be DONT BLEEVERs!

And they shall suffer in SNARF and DRECK unless they make a TRUE Coninent with the Society of Jeez fer Joozis

ROSCOE, who sits at the right HAND of MOTA, has died not Once but THREE TIMES for our SINs

TWO TIME more than our nearest competition

So Save your SOUL with us at Roscoe's Temple

Fuzzy03 That's what people say, but they shall suffer in Snarf and Dreck unless the believe in


That is WHY We Want You to Hear the GREAT NEWS

Join the Mass Movement to True Belief in the LORD ROSCOE.

Fuzzy03 We Jeez fer Joozis aren't looking to MAKE you believe in the LORD ROSCOE and inthe Little Lord Joozis and in MOTA and ELUCELOM and Poopy Panda, but we have to tell you that you will SURELY will be DAMNED to SNARF and DRECK.

Because ROSCOE holds the Whole Earth in His Hands!

I have converted a lay person! Please put the name of the DONT BLEEVER you have converted here. 10 points for a lay person and 20 points for a Minister or Rabbi

His/Her name is:

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