1998 Season
"Waiting for Godot," S. Beckett (Staged Reading.)
directed by William S. Yellow Robe, Jr.
"The Council," Wm. S. Yellow Robe, Jr. (Production.)
directed by William S. Yellow Robe, Jr.
"Sneaky," by Wm. S. Yellow Robe, Jr. (Production.)
directed by Rhiana Yazzie
"Killing the Staying Earth," by Roger Cultee (Reading.)
directed by Howie Kaibell
"Sneaky," at the Returning the Gift VII, directed
by Rhiana Yazzie.
1999 Season
"Sneaky," and "The Body Guards," (Production),
directed by Rhiana Yazzie and Steven Sexton, Taos Arts Association. Jan.
"A Broken Bottle-A Broken Family," by William
S. Yellow Robe, Jr., directed by Wm. Yellow Robe, Shiprock, NM. March
"Remenants of the Chinese Grandfathers," by Rhiana
Yazzie, University of New Mexico, directed by Howie Kailbell.
"Stories Never Heard Around the Campfire-II",
a playwriting festival.
"Indian Wars-101" by Kent Blansett
"Sunshine Superman," by Rhiana Yazzie
"Killing the Staying Earth," by Roger Cultee "Rez.
Mutts," by David Velarde, Jr.
"Brother Man," by David Velarde, Jr.
"The Red Hood," by Rhiana Yazzie
"The Council," directed by Wm. Yellow Robe, Jr.,
at the National Museum of the American Indian, New York, NY, for a "Children's