Hello and welcome to www.geocities.com/madghare !

Here are the pages where I show off my creative writing skills and so on and so forth. These are my ego pages and I intend to keep them that way. I recently became the proud (and paid!) owner of www.madhavighare.com and had a long thought about whether I should include these pages over there as well. I thought against it, simply because of two reasons: first, because these were the pages where I first started out and therefore had an emotional attachment to these pages, and secondly, because that website is primarily a business website and this is a personal website. So I figured that I had better re-vamp these pages again!

Well, enough about the reasons and reasonings! Let’s get on with it shall we…

Explore these pages with the "all new" menu on top.
Have fun!
And don’t forget to write me and let me know what you think!

E-mail me at madhavi.ghare@gmail.com or madhavi@madhavighare.com.


My Professional Website My Portfolio on Writing.Com My Articles on Buzzle.Com
tarot-ically speaking... My Blog My Reviews on Amazon.Com

Copyright Madhavi Ghare © 2006.