

"Digest", es la primera de una serie

de instalaciones-performance relacionadas con el

interior del cuerpo humano.

Presentada en la torre del castillo de

Bytów, Polonia.

Sakino (Mexico), "installation". In the duration of a day, the artist sculpted out of dough the forms of the digestive tract and all other human organs - a heart, lungs etc. When they had been baked, he laid them beside a monitor, on which a film from the inside of a human body was being shown. The artist sat down next to it in an overall with a yellow and black striped hood. The installation did not last long. Afterwards the bread organs were eaten by the audience. The artist presents his idea like this:


"Heartbeat, liver functions, the skeleton or the respiratory apparatus elements build up a metaphor of vital functions that are out of our conscious control. Some of my objectives are connecting the individual with his own inner functions and finding something that would be extraordinary in the ordinary life activities."

Texto en inglés: Wladyslaw Kazmierczak

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