Wordshop Poem

by William Landis

Frog, inflating the nite wetness
with his pond wisdom.
Prayers sent East to
brothers in the West.
Parents looking down, into
the future, bedtime ritual
Water full lifting its feet
backs towards the sun
Light from a child's trust
falling at my feet, a gift
Tenderness ordained by the cat
holding the warm spot next to me
Twilight acknolwedging
each day this fullness,
this awakening darkness,
this rich mystery.


Gloria Baker | John Joseph Bowman | Diana Cabcabin |
Howard Dyckoff | Nancy Freedom | Al Goldspiel | Jennifer Laschen |
Introduction to Poems




Note: Diane Wang posted these poems collected at the Wordshop. If she has misread the handwriting, please send corrections to dw@think-ink.net.