Peculiar Bathroom Security in Oslo

Bathroom in Oslo Rail Station

The one peculiarity we found in Norway were the public bathrooms. Despite the country's prosperity, public bathrooms generally require 5 kroner (about 75¢ in U.S. currency at the time). The most stringent is this public facility at the Oslo rail station. Notice that there are two sets of swinging gates. Once a person puts in 5 kroner there is a timer; gates must be cleared in about 10 seconds. The window at the back of the picture is for the guard's booth.

Once in the men's or women's room, there are two-way mirrors so that the guard can oversee what happens in the restrooms. Perhaps this is to prevent drug use or violence in the restrooms? Maybe there was a horrible incident in the past, so that people demanded more security? It was very unnerving.

When they refer to "public restrooms" in Oslo, they really do mean "public."

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