William & James
A man went for a general checkup.
He expressed to the doctor how he had been
urinateing more then usual and was having abdominal pain.
The doctor with a concerned look explained that these were
the symptoms of Prostatitis and some tests were needed.
The doctor began by giving the man a DRE.
After a while the doctor said
"We'll need to do some other tests,
I think I feel something but I can't quite put my finger on it."
The man then exclaimed,
"Please don't tell me you're gonna stick somthing in my pecker."
The doctor replied,
"No, not yet.
Before performing a cystrocopy I'm going to try out a new device.
Until now testing has been kind of a crap shoot.
But the medical journals say its 99/44% accurate.
So no longer will I have to Procter & Gamble."
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