Welcome to my Web site!

     I'm Leigh Talbert Moore, award-winning technical editor, freelance writer, and public relations professional with more than six years of experience in publishing, public affairs, and marketing. Please read my résumé for more details.

     For three years I was a freelance reporter for the Baton Rouge Advocate, and for one I was a part-time assistant producer at WAFB-9 News, the CBS affiliate in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I currently have a Master's degree in Mass Communication from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, and I reside in Spanish Fort, Alabama, just outside of Mobile, where I am a regularly published freelance writer.

     My Internet experience includes being Web master for www.ladental.org, as well as the creation and maintenance of this Web site.

     I am an experienced, dependable professional able to provide effective communications, marketing, or public relations for your business. Send me an e-mail to find out more (leightmoore@yahoo.com); I look forward to hearing from you!

Read/Print my résumé.

Request work samples or contact me.

     If you are seeking information on my graduate thesis, "Comprehension and Recall of Internet News: A Quantitative Study of Web Page Design," this link will take you to the abstract. It won the 1999 Jung-Sook Lee award from the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (AEJMC), and was published in the Fall 2000 issue of the Journal of Magazine & New Media Research.

Thank you for your visit!