The Greenbelt Writers Group

Statement of Purpose | Inception | Membership Information | Monthly Events Calendar
Publications | Current and Past Officers | The GWG Blog

The Greenbelt Writers Group is a community group that encourages and supports the development of literary arts through open readings, writer critique groups, and other activities.

The Greenbelt Writers Group (GWG) was proposed and formed in February 1995 at an open meeting arranged by Ms. Dorothy Sucher and Ms. Marsha Barrett. By the end of the meeting a Steering Committee had formed to plan the group's activities. GWG held its first open reading on Friday, March 17, 1995 at the Greenbelt Police Station.

All are welcome to join! The Greenbelt Writers Group welcomes all writers and patrons of the arts to join. Our members write in a wide variety of genres including, but not limited to, fiction, non-fiction, screen and stage playwriting, short stories, novels, poetry, lyrics, essays, and technical writing. While you don't have to join to participate in the Open Readings, there are benefits associated with membership and your annual membership dues ($7.50) help support the Readings and other activities GWG sponsors.

GWG Contact Information
Mail address:
c/o Greenbelt Community Center
15 Crescent Road
Greenbelt, MD 20770

Like to hear original works? Considering writing memoirs or a first novel? Need a boost to get over writer's block? Want information on how to get published? Then, come to the Greenbelt Writers Group (GWG) monthly activities--they are held the third Friday of every month in the Senior Classroom of the Greenbelt Community Center at 15 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770, starting at 7:30pm. For more information call the Community Center at 301 397-2208.

2009 Calendar of Meetings:

January 16  
February 20  
March 20  
Speakers are Political Journalists
Alyssa Rosenberg and Gregg Sangillo.
April 17
May 15  
June 19  
July 17
August 21  
September 18  
October 16   
November 20  
December Holiday Party
Date to be determined 

Location of Activities:
Events will take place in the Senior Classroom of the Greenbelt Community Center at 15 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 unless noted otherwise.

AT THE 1995 RATE OF $7.50**

Below are descriptions of various activities held at the monthly meetings:

Open Readings:
Readers sign up at 7:15pm; Readings start at 7:30pm. Time limits: Poetry--five (5) minutes; Prose--ten (10) minutes.

Critique Session:
Want some feedback on your work? Consider reading a piece to the group and we'll offer positive, constructive comments.

Book Discussion:
Members talk about books that influenced them. Themes announced in monthly meeting announcements.

Participants offer topics of information such as: how to get published, the difficulties in researching an historic theme, or what the magazine freelance market is like today, and more.

Group Discussion:
Members share thoughts and advice on selected topics like: how to overcome writer's block, what makes a good query letter, and more.

Spontaneous Writing:
A topic is suggested, participants write for ten minutes then read their work aloud (if so inclined).

Crossroads-- 2008 On Sale Now!
The Sound of Words -- 2005, An audio collection of original poetry on CD read by GWG members.
Now and Then-- 2002
Grass Roots-- 1997
Genius Loci -- 1996

Online Publications Archive

Arbach, Matt-- Chair
Griffith, Carol-- Treasurer
Kirin, Jenifer--Webmistress
Moien, Mary-- Meetings reminder and press contact.

Hansen, Amy--Past Chair (2003 - 2007)
Barrett, Marsha--Co-founder; Past Chair (1995, 1996, 1999, 2000), Webmistress, Bollywood_Talk Blog
Belvins, Beth--Past Newsletter editor and writer (1996-1997)
Cassanova, Art--Past Treasurer
Holder, Vera--Past Newsletter editor and writer (1999-2001)
Jordan, Sue--Past Chair (1997)
Moien, Mary--Past Co-Chair (1998)
Nitz, Andrew--Past Treasurer (1999-2002)
Olivos, Guillermo--Past Co-Chair (1998)
Sucher, Dorothy--Co-founder
Wassman, Paul--Past Treasurer

Looking for Even More Places to Read?
Our events, plus those of other Writers Groups and Open Reading venues are listed on the following:
The Writers Center Calendar
The Poet Connection
We thank these organizations for including us!

Copyright 1995-2009 The Greenbelt Writers Group (
Last Updated: 1/22/09
Email the GWG
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