Sparkey Enterprises

Upcoming offers and opportunities include JULIE'S EQUAL ENGLISH PROGRAM, and FAMILY BAND. Ask us about publishing your writing with us in print, Email us for more info.



Julie is the author and creator of this powerful program for understanding the natural flow and function of the English Languange. Learn logical vocabulary and natural pronunciation.

The cost of the program is $15.00. Email us for ordering details. sparkey enterprises



Share the gift of music with your family. Form a band. Learn from our amazing success story how making music as a family can change your life.

Or, if you're trying to form a band, and want to avoid all the mistakes, this book is for you. Learn all the steps towarnd forming a fantastic band, and reap all the success you want.

The cost of this book is $10.00. Email us for ordering information. sparkey enterprises



Sparky enterprises offers an opportunity to sell Corporate gift software. These are small, useful business applications that can be customized with Corporate logos, and to specific business applications.

When you order your startup kit, you receive all the color literature you'll need, and sample software.


Sparky enterprises offers custom application programming.

(What do you want you computer to do?)

If you need special applications for your business or personal computer use, contact us. Programming in Visual Basic, and Visual C++. All applications available in Windows 3.X, 95, and 98 compatibility.

I have four years programming experience with the Microsoft Developer's Suite (Visual Basic, Visual C++), writing applications for small businesses.



We also do web site design and management. You pick the internet provider that offers web space, and we'll put together your page by your instructions, and maintain your site. Personal use pages, or business pages.

Stay tuned.

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Last Updated December 5th, 2000 by Darrell Mangum