Hello everybody.
I now have the internet at my very own home.
I'll be updating this page over the next few days.
It may become a bit serious now.
But never fear, the silly bits shall be lurking          about still, like undercover cops scoping out        your illegal fish-fetish gatherings.
Also, the promised MP3's are finally here.
...and you thought it WASN'T christmas, eh
Some changes !
There have been many changes lately.
I am now a solo act. I have finished my ep.
Just working on photos and cd artwork etc...
Stay tuned for more details etc... thanks.
Emma is great.
hi mum.
hi dad.
ps...are you wearing clean undies?
visitor number:
right-click this    button to            download my     mp3
click on it, you retard !!!
Australian time and date
click on picture for marty mp3
(or right click it and save target as...
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