Updated: November 24, 2000
Meet any one of the following criteria
shall be classified as postal authorities:
Members of UPU
(The Universal Postal Union);
Carrying its own postal service;
Local postal service;
No postal service but is owned by
legal government.
With unclear status, also classified
as postal authority temporarily.
Stamps / Cinderellas
According to Linn's
Stamp News:
Bogus: a fictitious stamplike
label created for sale to collectors. Bogus issues include labels for nonexistent
countries, nonexistent values appended to regularly issued sets and issues
for nations or similar entities without postal systems;
Cinderella: a stamplike label
that is not a postage stamp. Cinderellas include seals and bogus issues,
as well as revenue stamps, local post issues and other similar items.
Only names on current bogus and cinderellas
still printed are listed on this site. Many such labels baring local names from
the former Soviet Union region. It is suspected that they are coming from the
same source, possibly somewhere in the U.S. Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan and
Turkmenistan are members of the UPU and issuing their own legal stamps, but many
labels are baring their names. Such labels are often poorly designed and
printed. English, sometime only English, is used. Topics often satisfy American
collectors’ taste.
Most are official North American agencies.
A few are located in Europe.
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2000 Ye
Meng All rights reserved.