The Meadornack Ratings System

For novices like yourself, some of these masterful recordings are difficult to appreciate. If you're a longtime fan, you know how hard it is to put any of these recordings in context. So for your convenience, the rating system has been instituted to give you an idea of what degree of difficulty you can plan on hitting with each album or piece. To the average drone out there, our work goes from unlistenable to more unlistenable to mighty unlistenable. Keep in mind that this is all the All-Stars listen to, but we tried to consider things like rhythmic repitition, harmony, melody, discernable lyrics and recording quality in our ratings, since these are the listeners' general signposts when navigating new material. The more obscure these signposts, the deeper into our ratings we go.

Bobcat:Cohesive narrative, noise is unobstructive, moderately cryptic, quite describable, resembles music.
Wolf:Often musical, descernable rhythms, spotty narrative, describably memorable.
Bear:Restrained noise, effects obscure vocals, frighteningly organic, more boring than obnoxious.
Webelos:Sparse rhythm, clouded in ambience, informacion a carcajadas.
The Golden Arrow:Walt Meadornack himself tries to avoid listening to these.