I have learned, to begin anew, you must first let go, of the past and its pain, to have a life, you wish to know.
I have learned, indifference is, the last stage, of loves demise, No matter how you justify, you can see it, in each others eyes.
I have learned, through loss, though hard as it may be, There is also gain, that we sometimes, fail to see.
I have learned, all we experience, makes us strong, To find love, and life as we need it, to grab for it all, instead of merely long.
I have learned, it is not easy, to make the changes, we feel we need to, but life without happiness, is the option, the choice is always, up to me and you......
Page written and designed by Silk (C)Copyright - Silkfire - 1999/2000
Artwork by Ms. Blue
Silken Angels Designs Email us at silkenangels@hotmail.com