The Boudoir
A most romantic site
hosted by Anne Miren Berry,
romance writer

At this site, you can read about
my latest romance novel, a love story about a young sculptor haunted by the death of her lover and hustling to transcend his shadow in the art world. But soon she's involved in a dangerous game and struggling to stay alive as well, relying against her will on an art dealer who arouses her suspicion...and quickens her pulse.

Next you might indulge your taste for romantic movies, books, clothes, and food with the quarterly
LoveLetter. And if you have a wonderful, intriguing, or just plain sweet love story to share, please send it to me. I have a special place just for you love birds.

And now, turn off the phone, slip into something soft, pour a glass of wine, and savor this site. I hope it makes you feel romantic.

Anne Miren Berry
February 1999
June 13, 1998: Joe and I marry. The happiest day of my life.
My Latest Book
Love Stories
About Me
Special thanks to the following sites who supplied me with fabulous clipart:
Art Today
Animation City