April 12, Y2k-1

Approximately two or three years ago, I made a compilation tape from various CBC programming: RealTime (now sadly defunct), Night Lines (also sadly defunct) and Brave New Waves (still live and kicking).  I did not make note of the songs' names or label the tape.

Fast forward to about three weeks ago; the eve of Futurama's debut. The theme song of Futurama sounds somehow familiar.

Slowly advance to Easter weekend, about two weeks ago. I go home to spend some time with the folks and before returning I collect a bag of my old mix tapes. I listen to them during the car ride home and find the tape that contains the song that sounds like the theme to Futurama.

Sometime between then and now, I search Dejanews and find out that:

The theme, with its sample of "Louie, Louie," sounds like a remix CD already available called _Metamorphose_, which remixes a weird piece of electronic music from 1967 by Pierre Henry called _Messe pour la temps present_ ("Mass for the Present Time").

Using that information, I proceed to CDnow and search under title for Metamorphose. I play some of the song samples in RealAudio until I recognize the song from my compilation tape. I report back:

If you go to http://www.cdnow.com/ and search under title: Metamorphose you will find a compilation cd called Metamorphose-Messe Pour Le Temps. Check out track 2: Psyche Rock (The Invisible Mix By William Orbit. It sounds awfully familiar.

After several days, I check back on the discussion thread. Now if you think I sound geeky, check out this response:

Yeah- I saw Ken Abyss' Phyche Rock video on AMP. -(MTV)- The bell sounds on the FUTURAMA theme are very similar. The tune is vaguely similar to Louie, Louie AND Wild Thing. sorta.

I picked out the tune on my CASIO CT-650 and came up with these notes:

E,E, A,A, D,D, G,F#

But, my husband has absolute pitch and he say's it's in the key of F, which would be transposed a step higher. I say it sounds in between keys on the video tape, but, it's definitely closer to E. -(Yes, the Synth is pitched correctly. I think it would sound better on my KORG Wavestation-EX, though. It has nicer bell sounds.)-

Now do you understand why I love DejaNews so much? You can always find someone geekier than yourself.