Jul 12, 1999

Can you remember the feeling you had when you last stumbled upon something previously unknown but immediately recognizable as something wonderful? I'm talking about a thrilled to the marrow sort of feeling.

Well, last week I received the most recent issue of Whole Earth and within was an article by Bruce Sterling.

Bruce Sterling is generally known as a science fiction writer but I know him for his magazine articles which are consistantly magnificent.

Anyways, I am thrilled to my very core of my being because Bruce Sterling has, as described in the The January 3rd Manifesto ("On January 1, everyone will be too hungover to read manifestos; on Januray 2, nobody's computer will work. So naturally the target date must be January 3."), founded the Viridian movement.

Viridian is the enviromental, design, culture, and art movement I think I have spent most of my last handful of years unknowingly preparing for.

Feel free to join now before it's too late.