October 5, 1999

The Rain Barrel Extremely Digestible Bibliography
today's subject:


TITLE: The Stanley Cup of Hockey and suicide in Quebec, 1951-1992
AUTHOR(S): Trovato,-Frank
SOURCE: Social-Forces. v. 77 no1 Sept. 1998 p. 105-26
ABSTRACT: Social integration theory would view the Stanley Cup of Hockey series as a ceremonial occasion capable of promoting a temporary drop in the incidence of suicide. This proposition is combined with a key postulate of routine activities theory-- that people who share similar backgrounds, lifestyles, and interests are inclined to get together in social activities, including in this case watching playoff hockey. It is proposed that the social context surrounding the Stanley Cup constitutes in Quebec a period of increased informal interpersonal contact among the people, and that this should ultimately serve to discourage and/or prevent some potential suicides from occurring. In situations where this type of social context breaks down during the course of the hockey series, suicide is expected to increase temporarily. The analysis reveals that the period comprising the Stanley Cup is by itself not a significant predictor of suicide, though its interactions with sex, age, and marital status are important. During the playoffs (as opposed to other times of the year) young men are in fact more likely to commit suicide, but if they are married, the chances of this happening are reduced significantly. Further analysis indicates that the increased tendency for young men to commit suicide during the hockey series is associated with the situation of when Montreal are ousted early from the competition.  The causal mechanisms for this effect are explicated in terms of a premature breakdown of the informal social context associated with the playoffs experience. These results and other features of this study are discussed in relation to previous research regarding sports and mortality. 
DESCRIPTORS: Suicide-; Sports-Social-aspects; Social-integration; Hockey-Professional-Canada; Quebec-Province-Social-history

TITLE: Post-, "Grapes," nuts and flakes: Coach's corner as post-colonial performance
AUTHOR(S): Knowles,-Richard-Paul
SOURCE: Modern-Drama. v. 38 Spring 1995 p. 123-30
ABSTRACT: Part of a special issue on postcolonialism.  A discussion of "Coach's Corner" as postcolonial performance. This program, which takes place in the intermission between the first and second periods of telecast hockey games on Canada's national television network, features Don Cherry, the former coach of the Boston Bruins, and is hosted by Ron MacLean. Cherry's aggressively bad grammar and championing of old-fashioned and unfashionable causes have made for much of the show's popularity as well as its controversial quality. In terms of Canadian postcolonial analysis, Cherry seems to serve as a site at which a counter-hegemonic postcolonial nationalism focuses, but his performance can also be read as that of a particularly complex colonial dummy and a virtual object lesson in the dangers of such nationalism.  Ultimately, Cherry represents as absurd, pitiable, or quaint the pretensions of a colonial subject to speak without mimicry in a voice of one's own.
DESCRIPTORS: Cherry,-Don; Television-programs-Sports; Postcolonialism-; Performance-theory; Nationalism-Canada; Television-programs-Canada

TITLE: Perfectly normal: queer opera in Canada
AUTHOR(S): Hepburn,-Allan
SOURCE: Canadian-Theatre-Review. no96 Fall 1998 p. 34-8
ABSTRACT: A discussion of queer opera in Canada.  The queer sensibility of the comic opera The Loves of Wayne Gretzky is predicated on the possible merging of unlikely cultural endeavors.  The opera records a Canadian fantasy of the compatability between culture and sport.  The homosocial subtext of hockey players' off-ice familiarity resembles the intimacies of the erotic pursuits and frustrations of onstage operatic actors.  Whereas the operas Mario and the Magician and Elsewhereless withhold happy fates from gay characters, The Loves of Wayne Gretzky contrives to satisfy everyone, at least libidinally.  It demonstrates that queer opera flourishes in the locker room as much as it has always flourished in the hearts of fans.
DESCRIPTORS: Homosexuality-and-opera; Opera-Canada;

TITLE: Sporting black
SOURCE: Psychology-Today. v. 30 Jan./Feb. 1997 p. 22
ABSTRACT: A recent study found that pro hockey teams who wore black uniforms incurred 6 percent more penalties over a four-year period than teams in colorful attire.  According to psychologists Alan Reifman and Neil McGillicuddy of the Research Institute on Addiction, in Buffalo, referees are more likely to notice infractions made by players dressed in black.  Moreover, dark uniforms seem to increase players' aggression, resulting in
well-deserved penalties for hostile acts. Previous studies have shown, however, that subtle factors such as color have less influence on everyday behavior when people are in a high-pressure situation.  Thus, the researchers were not surprised to learn that color made no difference once a hockey team reached the finals of the Stanley Cup.
DESCRIPTORS: Hockey-; Color-Psychological-aspects; Uniforms-;

TITLE: Blood on the ice: status, self-esteem, and ritual injury among Inuit hockey players
AUTHOR(S): Collings,-Peter; Condon,-Richard-G
SOURCE: Human-Organization. v. 55 Fall 1996 p. 253-62
ABSTRACT: Since the 1970s, the pace of social, economic, and political change has accelerated throughout the Canadian Arctic. In the Copper Inuit community of Holman, change has been accompanied by an increase in recreational facilities and activities organized by the local Hamlet Council and paid for by the Government of the Northwest Territories. Recreational involvement, primarily in the form of competitive team sports like hockey, provides a valuable outlet for Inuit teenagers and young adults who find it difficult to adjust to the new northern social order.  This article examines the most visible of these sports--hockey--and discusses the effects that game involvement, violence, and ritualization of injury have upon young men's sense of control, status, and self-esteem. 
DESCRIPTORS: Sports-Social-aspects; Hockey-players-Psychology;
Eskimos-Recreation; Sports-Accidents-and-injuries