Even though it's more appropriately tomorrow here is Part 24. If that
number is wrong I'll fix it later. Now that my wall is looking really cool
I can sleep easy. Actually I'll probably realize that I'm so tired that I'll
hit the pillow and not wake up for a really long time. I am very proud of myself
since I ahve made a collage with no huge gaps. It's a very cool thing
since I'm very bad with collages. I like it. Best wallpaper I've ever had. There is
so much different stuff that it is not only attractive and uniquely balanced,
it has a million different things up. This is really cool. I am immensely proud of myself.
makes me wonder where those shelves are going to go, but oh well. Blessid Union
is nice to listen to at night. Even though some of the songs are melancholy,
everything has a spiffy upbeat. I find it very soothing. maybe someday
I'll have my own CD. That would be very cool as well. I really need to clean up
my room. Writing this in the daylight would be good too. Twice a day is prefered writing.
But this is usually not possibele. I have some cool Sailor Moon posters on my wall.
They are very cool. I am very busy even when I'm bored. I have this to work on as well as
reading my book and working on my site. Now if I could only get more people to to come to it...
Anyway, this Sunday is going to be a lot of fun. I get to wear my two new really cool shirts
and maybe have a guest visit the youth group. I love them soooo much. My youth group rocks.
We always have a lot of fun. This is going to be my last page for the night seeing how it's almost
3am and I'm tired. Sleep is good. I wonder how much sleep I'll really get. My only hope is that
I'm not too tired tomorrow. My throat is pretty sore. I might have a cold, but I might not.
It's confusing and I don't feel like thinking. Brain overload isn't good. Sleep longer than me. End part 24.