- 08/07/00 05:48:16
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Unknown
Peterlam - 06/05/00 17:27:31
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: 31
My gender is: Male
Well done, good homepage.
Eunice - 05/02/00 14:21:58
My Email:cybernatalie@hotmail.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 1979-Sep-29
My Icq number is: 37107089
My gender is: Female
Seto, You've done a wonderful task. Your homepage is one of the best i've ever visited(up to now).
But....there is a need to improve your grammer :P
Anyway, i am so appreciated to see your improvement. :)
Marx - 03/04/00 19:46:31
My Email:marxchu@netvigator.com
I come from: HK
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 20
My gender is: Unknown
^^ :> :] ^.^ ^o^ ^O^
GIGI - 02/01/00 18:01:13
My Email:roy630@netvigator.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Cancer
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 79-06-30
My Icq number is: 14184765
My gender is: Female
GOOD......i like those cat ...so cute~
Christopher Yim - 01/17/00 14:35:17
My Email:Chrisyim_the_one@hotmail.com
I come from: Heng Fa Chuen
My horoscope is: Aries
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 03-30
My Icq number is: 35623240
My gender is: Male
I don't know y I getting here. But just want to say your poem is excellent. that's I can't think when I know u in lower form.Don't u know who I am?HEE
Bruce Kong - 10/10/99 06:44:52
My URL:http://home.hkstar.com/~slkong
My Email:slkong@hkstar.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 22
My Icq number is: 12022117
My gender is: Male
Wah!!! You have a good page woh! Nice pictures and nice musics! But..., you looks a little thick from your pictures. HA! HA! Stop by my place if you have time. Bruce
Ray Hinojosa/El Nasl - 05/05/99 05:22:03
My Email:bluetex@maui.net
I come from: Texas,livingin Hawaii
My horoscope is: Sagittarius
My age is: 51
My date of birth: 12/12/47
My Icq number is: 27154753
My gender is: Male
Isa is my girl on UO. What a great daughter. So kind and nice. God bless.
stanley & kathy - 05/02/99 02:56:32
My Email:ssfleung@pacific.net.hk
I come from: hk
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: both 26
My Icq number is: 8857175
My gender is: Unknown
[stanley] keep the dreams,, don't let it go.
[kathy] same as stanley
Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 04:23:41
Ich mag Sie nicht paginieren. Ich denke nicht, daß es sehr interessant ist. Sie sollten es neu entwerfen. Ich hoffe, daß dieses hilft. Gutes Glück.
Alex LEe - 03/04/99 01:15:22
My Email:yclee@accessv.com
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My Icq number is: 4129852
My gender is: Unknown
Hi there...nice meeting from the.... hehe!!
:) you are a talkative person...hope that we can keep in touch and friendship forver!
Julia - 02/02/99 15:03:13
My Email:yhy@i.am
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My gender is: Unknown
³Þ..¦º±C...¥Í¤é§Ö¼Ö¤X..§A¤SµLe-mailºÛ, ¥Ìçܦísend±ie-card¤ñ§A³£ø±o,§A¦¬ø¦¬¨ì§Ú±H¤ñ§A±icard§r???
¤µ¦~¥Í¤é¦Pd friends¥hÃä§r? ¥hmain street¹¶º¤X, §Úı±oÓ¨ì´X¥¿, ¯¬§A¤ß·Q¨Æ¦¨, ¦P®I´îªÎ¦¨¥\....
Victor - 02/02/99 02:08:41
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My Icq number is: 25898260
My gender is: Unknown
Nice Pics!
Keymaster - 01/21/99 01:50:30
My Email:rx_78_2@hotmail.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Cancer
My age is: 23
My date of birth: 75-06-25
My Icq number is: dont have it with me
My gender is: Male
Nice homepage ar....
Lee Pou Lon - 12/26/98 12:16:10
My Email:pou123l@hkstar.com
I come from: Portugal
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 25th July
My Icq number is: 25066003 (new)
My gender is: Male
Why don't you come back this year? ah?
Sticking on your boyfriend? oh!!!!!! you are so phoney! you've forgot your friends even your family name!!!!!!!
when will it be all coming back to you???
then try to write me a letter...(i mean e-mail)
alors,au revoir a bientot!
Bon Noel et Bonne annee!!!
Jason Tsay - 11/27/98 00:36:22
My Email:Jasont@yesic.com
I come from: HK
My horoscope is: Virgo
My date of birth: 09/19
My Icq number is: 1849620
My gender is: Male
After I view your hp....I can feel you love your family...but you may be don't like here...me too..That's why I fly all the time. .Your photo looks very nice too.
small man - 11/26/98 02:44:08
My URL:cutyw@hotmail.com
My Email:cutyw@hotmail.com
I come from: H.K
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 15-08
My Icq number is: 21085931
My gender is: Female
ok la !!!
your homepage!!!
small man - 11/26/98 02:43:20
My URL:cutyw@hotmail.com
My Email:cutyw@hotmail.com
I come from: H.K
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 15-08
My Icq number is: 21085931
My gender is: Female
- 11/26/98 02:40:04
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Unknown
henry - 11/06/98 23:07:07
My Email:lhung@sfu.ca
I come from: van
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 1978-8-18
My Icq number is: 14135157
My gender is: Male
really good ar
the story is so true ar
ian - 11/01/98 08:48:26
My URL:comming soon..
My Email:ianbenson@i.am
I come from: Manila
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: 121
My date of birth: 77-01-31
My Icq number is: 2004867
My gender is: Male
nice pics and mids.. i think i saw ur friend... quite good bowler...
alan - 10/31/98 05:51:39
I come from: somewhere
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 26
My date of birth: 1972-03-13
My gender is: Unknown
your photo gallery has nice photo but I think I perfer to see you in other kind of outlook.
Andy - 10/26/98 23:11:06
My URL:Not exist
My Email:kaho@acm.org
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: 26
My date of birth: 1972 911
My Icq number is: 8686695
My gender is: Male
Hello Isa, you got lots of lovely pic.
BTW, is the number of visits freak or real?
Tell me later, ok?
Winnie Lau - 10/24/98 06:30:21
My Email:stephan@visionol.net
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Cancer
My age is: secret
My Icq number is: 5286459
My gender is: Unknown
Hi....Isa,Winnie ar.Long time no see ar.
Brian Burrell - 10/16/98 05:15:45
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BoWaiKit
My Email:bowaikit@hotmail.com
I come from: SLC, UT, USA
My horoscope is: Aries
My age is: 26
My date of birth: 72-03-23
My gender is: Male
Great page ^_^
you did a really good job with the ani gifs.
If you can try to fix the code so that there are not so many pop-up windows from Geocities, the watermark is enough ^_^
Vanessa - 09/25/98 12:10:57
My Email:vanelau@netvigator.com
I come from: cityu
My horoscope is: Cancer
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 28-06-79
My Icq number is: 19648855
My gender is: Female
This is the first time I use the internet and I have very little knowledge on it.But I strogly appreciate your work with patience and also your exploring mind!
ERIC - 09/17/98 12:06:33
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Bay/8198/
My Email:ericyunglove@rocketmail.com
I come from: »´ä
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 16
My date of birth: XX-XX-82
My Icq number is: 4154809
My gender is: Male
¤Ó¤l - 09/14/98 15:02:08
I come from: »´ä
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 24
My date of birth: 74-12-x
My Icq number is: 13945617
My gender is: Male
¤Ó¤l - 09/14/98 15:02:01
I come from: »´ä
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 24
My date of birth: 74-12-x
My Icq number is: 13945617
My gender is: Male
maria lin - 09/11/98 21:28:30
I come from: india
My horoscope is: Taurus
My date of birth: 21st april
My gender is: Female
hi isa.... your homepage is really nice and aattractive. you look very beautiful....i must tell u and its the truth. your bf must be so proud of you. glad that we are friends and hope that we will that way even when we are out of school. so bye for now an
goodluck in everything u do. take care!!
Tom - 09/11/98 18:14:08
My URL:http://Don't_know_yet
My Email:tomchl@hotmail.com
I come from: Taiwan
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: 23
My date of birth: 75-05-23
My Icq number is: 8795189
My gender is: Male
Good job on your homepage, wish i can do one like yours .......
¨ä¹ê¤H¬O¬°¦Û¤v¬¡ªº ¦Û¤v¤¤·N´N¦n
Tony - 09/10/98 05:08:11
My URL:http://underconstruction
My Email:tonyau@shaw.wave.ca
I come from: CANADA
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: you guess
My date of birth: like ALAN TAM
My Icq number is: unknown
My gender is: Male
very good Chinese, I love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!
very outstanding for a young girl like you.
James - 09/02/98 04:04:04
My Email:jimf@accessv.com
I come from: Taiwan
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 1978-01-20
My Icq number is: 3589798
My gender is: Male
hi hi, It's me, ¿K¤Ñ¨Ï! I have saw your homepage!
It's quite nice!
P.S Hope we can be friends!
Lee Meadows - 08/08/98 23:33:51
My URL:http://sorry not yet !
My Email:judeM@sprynet.com
I come from: Upton Massachusetts, USA
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 11/02/79
My Icq number is: 9513785
My gender is: Male
Hello Every one !
Hello Isa!
This is a very nice homepage ! It is colorful, pretty and has very nice music great job !
A5 ªüÅw~~ - 08/07/98 06:07:03
My URL:http://home.netvigator.com/~lokwah
My Email:lokwah@netvigator.com
I come from: H.K
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: 15
My date of birth: 82-11-04
My Icq number is: 8011118
My gender is: Male
hello ar~
nice to meet u too~
Soo - 07/18/98 06:18:54
My Email:isjeong@cosmobridge.com
I come from: Korea
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 36
My date of birth: 62-6-22
My Icq number is: 13096571
My gender is: Male
your home very good
Lee Meadows (lm33) - 07/17/98 10:29:33
My URL:http://?????
My Email:jude10@sprynet.com
I come from: upton massachusetts usa
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 1/2/79
My Icq number is: 9513785
My gender is: Male
wonderful to be here
¤pÀsabc - 06/08/98 05:48:46
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Male
¤pÀsabc - 06/04/98 09:15:43
I come from: »´ä
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Male
Eric Chan - 05/31/98 08:42:52
My Email:cnceric@hknet.com
I come from: Cyber City
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 78-02-13
My Icq number is: 11361542
My gender is: Male
i like you
i like the midi
i like the photo
it is fast enough
it is simple but beautiful
it is comfortable
Patrick Tang - 05/19/98 23:57:22
My Email:Patctang@worldnet.att.net
I come from: From HK, now in San Francisco
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 27
My date of birth: 71-03-06
My Icq number is: 2261651
My gender is: Male
I like the photo, stories and the homepage, I hope we can know each other.
Amity - 05/19/98 13:28:28
My URL:http://@@@@@
My Email:@@@@@@@
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: 18.7
My date of birth: 03-09-1979
My Icq number is: 6556141
My gender is: Female
It is really a great homepage, I like it very much. Besides, you look quite nice, I like you too.
Leo Yuen - 05/04/98 04:03:30
My Email:leoy@bigfoot.com
I come from: from HK. In Can now.
My horoscope is: Pisces
My date of birth: March 7
My Icq number is: 626100
My gender is: Male
Interesting stories
A respond to the askwhy story:
If you really love someone, you shouldn't mind telling him everything about you. Tell him everything in order to let him know how to love u.
Jackie CHeung - 05/02/98 18:21:58
My Email:kakiu@hkstar.com
I come from: Julia's friend so HK
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 1979-01-23
My Icq number is: 10552729
My gender is: Male
d ¤å³¹¼g±o¦n¦n°Ú ¤q¨ä«YµL¾Ñ
thongchai Sae-Lao - 04/26/98 23:20:52
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Pagoda/1874/
My Email:thongcha@hotmail.com
I come from: USA
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My age is: 21
My date of birth: 770111
My Icq number is: 6011029
My gender is: Male
thongchai Sae-Lao - 04/26/98 23:20:36
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Pagoda/1874/
My Email:thongcha@hotmail.com
I come from: USA
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My age is: 21
My date of birth: 770111
My Icq number is: 6011029
My gender is: Male
¤C¤ß®ü´Å - 04/25/98 02:54:52
I come from: ¤Ñ²P®ü¨¤
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: 17
My date of birth: 80/10/26
My Icq number is: 2114501
My gender is: Female
Ur homepage is really nice..........^0^
µY µY - 04/24/98 00:05:36
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/~lumlum
My Email:lumlum@mail.com
I come from: California
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: secret mah! ;p
My date of birth: October 12th, 197x
My Icq number is: 7141328
My gender is: Female
Hi! Your homepage very cute ah! Lotsa cute pictures to see ah! Add oil, add oil! ^_^
µY µY - 04/24/98 00:04:05
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/~lumlum
My Email:lumlum@mail.com
I come from: California
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: secret mah! ;p
My date of birth: October 12th, 197x
My Icq number is: 7141328
My gender is: Female
Hi! Your homepage very cute ah! Lotsa cute pictures to see ah! Add oil, add oil! ^_^
kirk - 04/23/98 10:45:08
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Unknown
Ronald - 04/22/98 04:52:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~fatherronald/fatherronald.html
My Email:ronald2@gte.net
I come from: LA
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 23
My date of birth: 1975-3-14
My gender is: Male
it is a cute page, I used a little bit source from you.
Phoebe Pua - 04/22/98 03:48:26
My Email:phoebepua@mailcity.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Sagittarius
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 79-12-3
My Icq number is: 8318169
My gender is: Female
Paul - 04/18/98 03:47:13
My Email:surelose@usa.net
I come from: ¨F¥Ð
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: ¤Ü
My date of birth: ¤Q¤ë
My Icq number is: 2399833
My gender is: Male
saikeung - 04/04/98 16:01:47
My Email:sunnytai@yahoo.com
I come from: hk
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: secret
My date of birth: 31-3
My Icq number is: 4911683
My gender is: Unknown
hi ar~~~u, i visit ur hp ar...hehee, ur hp very good ar....i like it ar...add oil la, i hope can play with u again la, see u....d^_^b
Canchi - 04/01/98 01:41:45
My URL:http://www.korax.com/~canchi/main.html
My Email:canchi@usa.net
I come from: Canada
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: 20
My date of birth: n/a
My Icq number is: n/a
My gender is: Male
good ar........keep working on it la......
update la........okay???
Shinnosuke Nohara - 03/31/98 00:57:56
My URL:http://www.rannet.org
My Email:shinnosuke@heisei.com
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Pisces
My Icq number is: 9555559
My gender is: Male
Easy and Simple. Great page! I am looking forward to see more complicated designs. Java, Layer, etc... See you around.
kirk tsang - 03/18/98 10:54:45
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Unknown
Kallen - 03/08/98 18:31:09
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Gallery/9797
My Email:polytoped@hotmail.com
I come from: Vancouver
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 27
My date of birth: Last 27th of Feb, 1971
My Icq number is: 6009091
My gender is: Male
Nice page, you have some interesting animations, and you have a cute pic!
How come you dont like the weather here in Canada?? ;) hehheheh Fashion is Murder!!!!
ok, bye
NTUSER - 02/20/98 18:28:35
I come from: New York
My horoscope is: Aries
My age is: 17
My date of birth: 80-04-05
My Icq number is: 8439652
My gender is: Male
I will send U a email later.
I like this homepage very very much.
Nice pictures and midis.
However, I could read the chinese. I am using Chinese Windows 95 and IE4.0. I hope I can solve this problem later. NTUSER
Dim, Sum Wai Hung(§Â°¶¶¯) - 02/20/98 05:14:54
My Email:dim@asiaonline.cityu.edu.hk
I come from: hong kong
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: 22
My date of birth: 31-08-1975
My Icq number is: 84019112
My gender is: Male
Karan - 02/12/98 18:07:40
My URL:..... =)
My Email:dont use it
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 2-2-78
My Icq number is: 7967301
My gender is: Unknown
hello!! see! told u I am going to sign for u la...
your homepage is nice though....cause it just so nice....family....friends....
too bad I havent fix the chinese words version...
but I am going to download next time just to see it...ok? talk u later la! have a nice day
¤Ó·³ - 02/09/98 00:39:55
My Email:tanglapkei@hotmail.com
I come from: Montreal
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 79-05-25
My Icq number is: 1465486
My gender is: Male
¤@Ó¦r......... ¥¿!!!!!!
Tang Chi Tak - 01/04/98 13:17:27
My Email:dcttang@nortel.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 1977-06-19
My gender is: Male
Nice Home page of yours, but I guess you should avoid using animated gif grphic files. Cause it slows the download time and process time of the persons computer. It is OK if the computer is fast enough but you may never know. I you need any advice or anyt
ing at all, please don't hesitate to contact me. either at dcttang@nortel.com or ctt@asiaonline.net, but I prefere the @nortel.com, for it is at the office. See Ya . . .
Native Girl (Sandy) - 12/12/97 14:21:43
My Email:niki234234@aol.com
I come from: Pa. in USA
My horoscope is: Pisces
My Icq number is: you have it
My gender is: Female
wonderful page *Cyber daughter* I really like it...
Wpooh - 12/08/97 04:38:44
My URL:http://www.arex.com/~sandman/Index.html
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: 20
My gender is: Unknown
Wai !!! Guess who ar . . heehee . . I finally sign your guestbook ar ok . . heehee . . very nice la . see you on ICQ . . ^_^
Yen-ne - 12/06/97 09:14:23
My Email:anthony_yen@hotmail.com
I come from: Vancouver
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 78-6-7
My Icq number is: 1987352
My gender is: Male
wow..after reading your homepage..hmmm..no common...coz it's too good. Well, you are beautiful and very good at computer ya..really want to make friends with you yo~~...well, you can find me in icq la, i think you already add my name la..talk to you later
Harrison Lei - 11/28/97 19:51:22
My URL:http://dunhaveone.still
My Email:caesar@sprint.ca
I come from: Macau
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: 21 la
My date of birth: Oct 14
My Icq number is: 398302
My gender is: Male
No comment is the best comment , am I right ???
heehee \(^o^)/
Galant - 11/18/97 14:59:08
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/~vtecdelsol/
My Email:vtecdelsol@geocities.com
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: unknown
My date of birth: unknown
My Icq number is: 1829303
My gender is: Male
Nice page and probably we are living in the same place I guess. Nice to meet you...
Melody Chan - 11/16/97 09:35:57
My Email:melodychan@hotmail.com
I come from: HK
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 79-03-10
My Icq number is: 4446027
My gender is: Female
I'm glad that U keep U're writing standard. But I think it'll be better if U add some background music. It'll more romance!!
Crystal - 11/16/97 05:51:05
My Email:taltal@hknet.com
I come from: hk
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 22/09
My Icq number is: 330265
My gender is: Female
Some1 - 11/16/97 01:35:57
My Email:kcchu@en.polyu.edu.hk
I come from: Earth
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: 25
My date of birth: 72-09-26
My Icq number is: U knew that la
My gender is: Unknown
Do u remember me? I am an alien in Cyber City. Wei wei, why u want to know others birthdays ah? R u going to give them (including me) birthday gifts? Must be lar. Send it to me by mail lar, my address is......
Ken Lin - 11/16/97 00:49:03
My Email:kenlin20@hotmail.com
I come from: Vancouver
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 20
My date of birth: 77-03-03
My Icq number is: 2256292
My gender is: Male
Nice to see your homepage. I hope I can have one later. Also, it is my pleasure to be your friend.
Nice and well done. Don't worry, be happy :)
Lewis Chan - 11/15/97 19:53:07
My Email:lwchan18@hotmail.com
I come from: Maple Leafs
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: Double two
My date of birth: Same as the above
My Icq number is: 2886228
My gender is: Male
Hey...Good work.. I think use frames is better. hahaha.. What's your grade for Chinese in HKCEE? Your Chinese written is very good ar. Use that for your HKCEE. maybe you can get "A".
JACKY LAU - 11/08/97 22:19:13
My Email:tiger@ipoline.com
I come from: HONG KONG
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: *******
My date of birth: 29-4
My Icq number is: 998766
My gender is: Male
Cowpolyian! - 10/30/97 07:37:34
My Email:skchan@polymail.calpoly.edu
I come from: San Luis Obispo
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: Whatever!
My date of birth: Who cares!
My Icq number is: 4319105
My gender is: Male
Yes, it's really a cool page!
Keep up the good work!
david - 10/29/97 12:40:26
My Email:wt970@ms12.hinet.net
I come from: Taiwan
My horoscope is: Leo
My gender is: Unknown
Sarah - 10/23/97 15:29:07
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Gallery/1216
My Email:sfraz@nmhu.campus.mci.net
I come from: New Mexico, USA
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My age is: over 40
My Icq number is: 4205920
My gender is: Female
Hello SoHo neighbor! You are a beautiful girl with a great homepage. Keep up the good work.
Dalton ar - 10/22/97 23:42:24
My Email:dalton@arex.com
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 79-09-27
My Icq number is: 2773899
My gender is: Male
Wow you got so many stuff in it ar! You did it yourself? TELL ME THE TRUTHHHHHHHH!! HA HA HA
Anyway, that's very nice and detail, better than my other friend's ( Don't tell them )
Andy Yang - 10/22/97 23:24:21
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/a/n/d/andythebest.html
My Email:andyyang@hotmail.com
I come from: Montreal
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 78/11/15
My Icq number is: 2955583
My gender is: Male
Humm....don"t remember if i signed your gb b4 or not,heh..anyway, really really really a nice hp, gotta teach me how ok??heh.....bye bye!!
GGP - 10/18/97 00:32:57
I come from: L.A
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: sercet ma hehe
My date of birth: hehe
My gender is: Male
Isa, it is a very funny HP ar, If U have time would u mind to teach me how to make it ar.
It's very colorful ar, I really like it and hope u
always happy la. hehe
Andy - 10/06/97 23:05:58
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/a/n/d/andythebest.html
My Email:andyyang@hotmail.com
I come from: Montreal, Canada
My horoscope is: Unknown
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 1978-11-15
My Icq number is: 2955583
My gender is: Male
Hello...nice to meet you, anyway, talk with you on ICQ!!^_^
Terry and Yagamii - 10/05/97 09:38:58
My Email:terry0@hotmail.com
I come from: hk lor
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: 18 this year
My Icq number is: 1920505
My gender is: Male
it is much better than the one which i have seen in the past ar!!many photo in ur hp ar,it is really very good wor.....becasue i always want to see the host's photo in their hp but i cannot see ar!!so poor.........julia with long hair is more beautiful th
n that with short hair wor......: p Alan,treat her good ar,otherwise u will be in trouble ar.......u can know she has so many friends in her hp........this is the warning~~~~~~~~~~~
Joan - 10/04/97 01:47:35
My Email:joan@arex.com
I come from: Canada
My horoscope is: Taurus
My age is: 18
My Icq number is: 3753421
My gender is: Female
Little Cow - 10/04/97 01:44:31
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Hollywood/Hills/2628/djcow.htm
My Email:pcyoung@mail.geocities.com
I come from: Richmond, B.C., Canada
My horoscope is: Aries
My age is: 22
My date of birth: 75-03-22
My Icq number is: 757904
My gender is: Male
It is a very nice homepage that you have created.
Very creatative, and nice pictures. I hope you can always keep it updated and maintain it substantially. Last but not least, I am impressed
by the design of your guestbook.
Siba - 10/03/97 01:00:44
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Unknown
mmmuuhhh i dont know. is this good or poor?
at least i dont know how to make my homepage yet.
so u r better than me la.
Jan - 09/27/97 22:57:25
My Email:asian.sensation@cww.de
I come from: Germany
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 07.11.79
My gender is: Male
Hey,your homepage is welldone! Especially the moving background objects .
P.S. Between you and me . Your brother looks like an bodyguard . Ha,ha. (Hey you can write me an e-mail back. OK)
regards Jan
Alex - 09/27/97 20:22:11
My Email:yclee@aicom.com
I come from: Vancouver
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: 20
My gender is: Male
will you send me the e-mail???????????????
sdu - 09/22/97 22:14:31
My Email:emtf@arex.com
I come from: Canada
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My age is: ??
My date of birth: ??-12-27
My Icq number is: 807333
My gender is: Male
Alton Wong - 09/18/97 05:47:52
My Email:whya@ipoline.com
I come from: Toronto
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 78-07-27
My Icq number is: 1025105
My gender is: Male
Next time put some photo that r more clear la!!
i cant hardly see what u look like by those photo ar!!
Ericx - 09/17/97 23:31:04
My Email:Tearz@usa.net
I come from: Vancouver
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 78-09-05
My Icq number is: 700022
My gender is: Male
Danny - 09/17/97 03:24:20
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/westwood/giorgio/18/
My Email:yaud@hotmail.com
I come from: Chicago
My horoscope is: Cancer
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 18
My Icq number is: 480502
My gender is: Male
Cool page. but how come your lover is a female ga?
no male? anyway, keep update your hp la. ^o^
Alan - 09/17/97 03:23:16
My Email:alan@arex.com
I come from: H.K.
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 23
My date of birth: 27/07/74
My gender is: Male
Token - 09/15/97 16:39:39
My Email:ee_cclaa@stu.ust.hk
I come from: Hk
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My Icq number is: 1266871
My gender is: Male
coooooool homepage....is it ur work....
nice to meet u....
I'm token....
CATme - 09/15/97 14:19:59
My Email:CATme@hotmail.com
I come from: »´ä
My horoscope is: Aries
My age is: 24lu....old cake
My date of birth: 73-04-12
My gender is: Male
©_©Ç.......??? ÂI¸Ñ©O...? ²ö¦W¨ä§®!!!!
§AÂI·|ݯ˧ÚO¤L??? RÀY??
«¢«¢«¢~~~¦Ê·P¥æ¶°~~~ øª¾ÂI¦n,,,ÀuO¤U¶ÌO¤U!!
John John - 09/12/97 22:33:31
My URL:§Ú³£·Q¦³§r¡C¡C¡C
My Email:JuJaiBao@hotmail.com
I come from: ¦hÛ¦h
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: ©ú¦~¤G¤Q·³
My date of birth: ¤j§Úgf¨âÓ¬P´Á
My Icq number is: 629155
My gender is: Male
LiLy.L - 09/12/97 21:03:08
My Email:jleung@cs.mcgill.ca
I come from: H.K
My horoscope is: Sagittarius
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 78/11/28
My Icq number is: 604727
My gender is: Female
Well...Well...Well..What should i say... It is Great!! And..wish you both be happy forever!
Melody Chan - 09/06/97 06:38:04
My Email:wiljoan@netvigator.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 79-03-10
My gender is: Female
beyond chung - 09/05/97 17:47:50
My Email:alfkoc@netvigator.com
I come from: HKSAR
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My age is: 21
My date of birth: 75-silent night
My Icq number is: 712482
My gender is: Male
wow... there is an amazing HP. it shows up the monkey-like gal who could become an angel.(hehe..)
good job- ISA. 'n we are looking forward your great improved ISA HP.
Peter Law - 09/03/97 09:08:34
My Email:plaw@cycor.ca
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 22
My date of birth: 75-03-07
My Icq number is: 500893
My gender is: Male
I It was Alan who told me about this page. And it is very interesting. Keep in up.!!
ªü°ö Ah pui - 09/03/97 09:03:15
My horoscope is: Unknown
My gender is: Unknown
sorry! a little bit too late!!! Hee Hee!!!
Ka Ka - 08/25/97 08:57:03
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Cancer
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 1979-7-2
My gender is: Female
It's a nice done. I hope you'll have a good live in Canada!And come back soon!
Melody Chan - 08/25/97 08:45:50
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 1979-03-10
My gender is: Female
Your Homepage is very beautiful. I'm very proud of visiting it. I wish U become a happy lady, not girl!! ha ha......
³Í³Í - 08/24/97 14:53:13
My URL:http://WWW.³Í³Í.NET
My Email:true0528@neto.net
I come from: Taiwan
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 1979-05-28
My Icq number is: 2363880
My gender is: Male
Wilson ¬vB - 08/24/97 10:28:09
My Email:wilsoncho@geocities.com
I come from: »´ä
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: ¤Q¤KÅo!!
My date of birth: 79-06-12
My Icq number is: 1003527
My gender is: Male
¼M! ©pÓºô¶¦n¦ü©p¦P Julia ËÝè°Ø{, ³£´X Funny.
Billy Wong - 08/22/97 17:47:47
My Email:billyw@eastworld.net , nakayama1@hotmail.com , Nakayama0@hotmail.com , Ayukawa_@hotmail.com , Minami21@hotm
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Cancer
My age is: 21
My date of birth: 1976-07-17
My Icq number is: 1764150
My gender is: Male
Hi! Isa! I am so happy that your homepage nearer finished! Since your homepage is the first friend of mine who create their own homepage! So I don't know how to give a subjective opinion! But in objective opinion, I think that this homepage is very great!
Kid Poon - 08/22/97 09:21:12
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Studios/5828/
My Email:kidd6@hotmail.com
I come from: HK
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: 16
My date of birth: xxx
My Icq number is: 1086614
My gender is: Male
The pages is so excellent,especialy the picture
and you friends or brother
maggie - 08/22/97 09:07:43
My Email:a130761@netvigator.com
I come from: hongkong
My horoscope is: Aries
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 79-03-27
My gender is: Female
your homepage is quite funny!!!
julia - 08/21/97 14:28:50
My Email:juliayip@valise.com
I come from: "ching san"
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: same as U
My date of birth: 79-11-06(rem. my gift)
My gender is: Female
your friend is quite pretty.Urr....
Sunny - 08/21/97 13:54:35
My URL:http://www.asiaonline.net.hk/~mikey/index.htm
My Email:kongfai@netvigator.com
I come from: Home
My horoscope is: Leo
My age is: 19
My date of birth: xx-xx-78
My Icq number is: 1824062
My gender is: Male
Ha, such a beautiful girl , heheh.:-)
This site is fun!!
Bigboss - 08/20/97 17:48:16
My Email:bigboss@cheerful.com
I come from: ¤@¶¡¤½¥q¥J!!
My horoscope is: Libra
My age is: 26
My date of birth: 70-10-15
My Icq number is: 355435
My gender is: Male
¦n¥¿§rÓºô¶!! ^_^ ¤S¦³¬ÛÚ»¤S¦³ºqÅ¥!!
¯¬©p¤@¸ô¶¶·!!!!!!! :)
Cora - 08/19/97 14:33:54
My Email:kiwicor@hotmail.com
I come from: HK
My horoscope is: Gemini
My age is: XX
My date of birth: XX-06-XX
My Icq number is: 539791
My gender is: Female
I've not finished it yet but change the color of the letters, a bit hard to read...hahaha
I love yr guest book!
¯¬©p¤@¦|·¶¶! Enjoy yrself in Can
Prissy Hui - 08/18/97 18:49:18
I come from: Montreal, Canada
My horoscope is: Scorpio
My age is: Minor/ Junior
My date of birth: 7x-x-x
My gender is: Female
Hello Isa! I'm Alan's sister. U are such a beautiful girl, I think you have many dates, right? How is your summer?
Jackson Wong - 08/18/97 17:09:14
My Email:ksjwong@hkstar.com
I come from: Hong Kong
My horoscope is: Pisces
My age is: 18
My date of birth: 25/2/79
My Icq number is: 1368111
My gender is: Male
Your HP is good & very beautiul.I like some paths but i think more about u like or another
will make your Hp more good!
Celeste Lee - 08/15/97 18:07:42
My Email:celeste_lee@hotmail.com
I come from: Malaysia
My horoscope is: Sagittarius
My age is: Secret
My date of birth: 7x-12-07
My gender is: Female
Quite nice, you are very special and cute girl. How about you cousin(Michael & Joe)? Where are his picture? I am some one very special to you coz.. See you then.
Michael Kan - 08/15/97 18:05:49
My Email:malcolm1@hkstar.com
I come from: Some where in Earth
My horoscope is: Virgo
My age is: you know that
My date of birth: 77-09-14
My Icq number is: 2383770
My gender is: Male
Some pages can not go back to home page
Isa - 08/15/97 16:43:03
My URL:http://geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/1231/
My Email:isaseto@hotmail.com
I come from: Venus
My horoscope is: Aquarius
My age is: 81..so old lu
My date of birth: 3Feb...Any present for me..?..hehee..jok
My Icq number is: 478522
My gender is: Female
Test again....
Welcome all of my friend..^_^"
mathew - 08/14/97 11:17:54
My Email:mathew@pcombo.co.nz
Your Icq Number: 2518962
I feel this homepage is quite funny but it is lack of picture
and if the information is organised correctly it is much
more better(e.g. you can add more information like your
friends and the picture)
§g - 08/13/97 16:46:38
My URL:http://www.OdieStudio.com/
My Email:kwan@OdieStudio.com
Your Icq Number: 404153
Your Gender: Male
Hi Isa,
Glad to know you from here. Keep up your good work to make your homepage much prettier as you.
The Best Goalkeeper in the world~~~®ü¤W¤H.......... - 08/13/97 14:09:36
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Colosseum/Loge/9473/
Your Icq Number: 918536
Your Gender: ¨k§r ! ¨k§r
Um....D ¤½¥J¦n°¦º cute §r! ±Ð§Ú¾ã±Ð§Ú¾ã...hehee
-_- --->>> ^_^
Ng, Frederick - 08/12/97 17:19:38
My Email:fredng@netvigator.com
Your Gender: Male
Finally we've met. Fred
Yeekin - 08/12/97 05:25:25
Your Icq Number: 1390261
Your Gender: Male
Very lovely Home Page, and a very nice Guest Book, keep up the good work.
Ivan Mak - 08/11/97 06:27:47
Your Icq Number: 648188
Your Gender: male
Good ! Carry on !
Jackie Cheong - 08/11/97 00:27:04
My Email:cheonkk@hotmail.com
Your Icq Number: 636960
Your Gender: Male
¦n !
Isa - 08/10/97 10:33:47
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Gallery/1231/
My Email:isaseto@hotmail.com
Your Icq Number: 478522
Your Gender: Female
Just want to check does it work or not.....hehee..
Anyway....I 'm so happy that u can visit my homepage..^_^
Alan Leung - 08/21/97 16:09:58
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/timessquare/castle/6527
My Email:wavesky@geocities.com
I come from: Montreal, Canada
My horoscope is: Capricorn
My age is: 19
My date of birth: 77-12-24
My Icq number is: 2629263
My gender is: Male
I Love Isa. ^o^