Art By: Kastle Combs

BRian Haas:(AKA Sloppy the chemical boy) Likes his meat yummy! Likes to look at bunnies and is inside you with the fruit juice. So SHUT UP! he is available for shows, Barmitzvahs and Weddings. His performance art leaves me without full bowel control. He can currently be seen in concert with "the Random Olympic Size Hairdo" A yodeling outfit from JApan. Heres his stuff...


Please understand
When i slammed the door on your nuts...
Pay me motherfucker big queen basketweaver.
Dont have anything to declare,
hand over the luggage.

P.S. Smash me with a bat

__By: Brian T Haas

when you see someone who knows you
walk down the street
you know
but they didnt say "hi" to you.
Please try to brighten their day
and when you feel you just can't go on
take a breath
you're still alive
hold on
hold on the horses
in my mind
run free
and the roses get crushed
in the face of love
whats more beutiful
freedom or love
in the eyes of the adult child.
_Brian Haas

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