It Blows My Mind - by Lia!
This image portrays the devastating effects of depression. The intense psychological blast leaves the figure colourless
- numb, and alienated. This piece was done in charcoal, conte and pastel.
Beam Me Up, Scotty, There's No Intelligent Life Down Here - by Lia!
Portrait of the artist as alien. The triangles in the eyes of the figure allude to the "dark triangle of darkness"
described by Mrs. Ramsay in Virginia Woolf's novel "To The Lighthouse". Mrs. ramsay believes that when
she is alone she can become a triangle of darkness that can travel anywhere through the imagination. Thus this
alien figure assumes the form of the dark triangle and travels through imaginary universes.
This piece is done in charcoal, cont and pastel.
Madam X-Files - by Lia!
An image of both alienation and connection to the sea - a meralien done in conte and pastel.
The Truth Is Out There - by Lia!
An image of alienation done in charcoal.