The annual sports day this year of "97" was held at the UQ sports grounds. With six teams registering to compete. The day was going to be competitive. The anticipated number of people attending was much larger than what turned up. It was suprising, because there was a free lunch on offer. The day was made up of events such as the 100m sprint, Tug-of-war, Sackrace, Three Legged race, Relays, and the ever popular soccer match of 5 0n 5. The team from QUT which called themselves "Terminator 3" lead the day from the first event. Following close behind was the UQ team, known as "UQ Com". The highlight of the day was when the "Power Rangers" from QUT went into the finals of the Tug-of-war. The whole QUT supporters gave them the cheers, and in the end failed to win. At the end of the day the "Terminator 3" team from QUT came out victorious. A close second was the UQ team, "UQ Com", while in third place came the other UQ team. Which was suprising because the "Power Rangers" somehow lost points in the end. Oh well, we were all good sports in the end and cheered on the winners. All competitors came to Uni the follwing Monday with aching muscles and the inability to walk properly. That illustrates the importants of warm-ups and warm-downs which might be incorporated in next years sports day. Until then TRAIN HARD.

So puffed we need a rest.
The VNSA stand.
I fell and I can't get up!
The female Race
Photo finish
There's out trophy.
The cheersquad
We can do it, it's just a one two, one two.
Oh S@*T, get up man, we're going to lose
Hi Tung
You have to hop like a Kangaroo, just like this
"You didn't take that did you?" No, Thuy I didn't (Hehehe)
The 3T's, Thoa, Thuy and Phuong, sorry, 2T and 1P
Help I'm going into labour, Breathe Thuy
Get out of here, I'm going to strangle you!
Bronze medals goes to....
Silver goes to....
The champion QUT team get the GOLD
This is our cup, Woohoo
Lets give these guys their 3 seconds of glory.
It was a big win for the Vietnamese Community

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