Psmith: the Severely Fluffable

This is where, in properly regulated home pages, you'd expect to find a picture of him. What you find on THIS home page is a picture of his net.badger (fondly refered to as Jasmin by some of us, no matter how much the two of them dislike it;)...

[Nude Picture of Jasmin]

 [Some blue ribbon, who knows what it's supporting]  [Save The Daleks!]  [ A compass. That's all.]  [That blue ribbon with UK flags on it. I still don't know what it's for]

This Page is a Blink-Free Zone

Some things about him...

He supposedly WORK on the sales desk at Bloomingdales. That's the spod department, not any sales department... so don't blame him when things break or don't fit, ok?

These are some of his interests...

Talkers. In particular, Cirrus Nebula , where he spend far too little time snogging, hugging and fluffing. A talker can be considered about halfway between a MUD and IRC... he just goes there to flirt and snuggle really. Believe me, he's got the exam results to prove it.

Diplomacy, the Avalon Hill war game, by email. I'm pretty sure it's as boring as it sounds. Except to Psmith and the likes ;)

Books... a lot of different authors, but he wants to make particular mention of Danielle Steele.

Romantic Big Production TV series, the more dramatic the better... Arania's Dilemma, The Thornbirds (particularly Episode 3), etc etc...

Gilbert and Sullivan (please, do laugh, do laugh...)

Mornington Crescent. He was on the college team in the Varsity championships, but he's a little out of practice now. To tell you the truth, I don't have a clue what he's talking about here, but he really wanted you to know this so...;)

Other People's Pages.

  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave
  • Dave

    And a set of semi-random links, as seen on every other home page on the Web...

    Bored games
    Text adventures
    Obligatory X-Rated Bit

    This page by Any opinions on this page or links therefrom are not necessarily those of Bloomingdales, Calvin Klein, the Ecuadorean government or indeed of anyone in particular except me, or possibly Psmiths' badger. Diplomacy is a trademark of The Ecuadorean government. Playboy is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Psmith: the Severely Fluffable isn't a trademark of Psmith , but it should be. Badger pic provided by his mommy. All rights void except where limited, reserved, adumbrated, waived, qualified, ignored or eaten. [Yank accent] Have a nice day. [/Yank accent]

    McDonald's Digital Doomsday Clock counting down the time to the day all their restaurants shall selfcombust stands at [Unavailable] Be sure to get your orders in NOW.
    What are you doing for dinner next week?
    This page is not under construction, making it unique. That and the fact that it's not *really* Psmith's page, even though you'd think so at a first glance.. Any changes to it since the last time you visited are purely your imagination. (OK, so it's not unique in that any more, since plenty of other p ages these days claim not to be under construction either. This page was first, though, they're all copying him. Honest.)