My Brain.

I'm pervertedly attracted to personality tests and the likes. Therefore I've taken lots online, and will continue to do so. Since I'm such an ego person I've decided to post my results here, and let you decided for yourselves what I am. Ready?

Do a nifty Personality Test. Hmm?What I am? A Counselor..HAHAHAHAHA.*grin*
THEN I did the Kingdomality test. Heh. If we was back in the medieval times I'd be a Minstrel. Mmmmmhm.

Actually I'm quite a test junkie..not sure why. Here's a whole page with lots'a test stuff. I will post my results at the tests I take, even the IQ ones so you can laugh and point your fingers at me.

  • The WhoreCode

    My code:

    WhLt1 LGoJS hMu(Br+)w-- b66/82 B7E3>No} a20 sF5M3 K7+ k5BsbehImOprtx QbCEefLMRt v76s oT X6!!6 w7L r6I-S E* p{641}f7v7(1)#g6s8C D35! Hap++p2seBle4

  • The Anger Test..
    My result: 1 point, diagnosed comatose. Adviced to turn in my gun...heh..
  • Purity Test 500 questions.
    My result: 52.2% pure. SEE?I'm a good girl. :P

  • Extraversion/Introversion Inventory Test.
    I got 49 on a scale where 0=extreme introversion, to 100=extreme extroversion. Guess I'm not as freaky as you thought, eh?
  • Social Anxiety Test.
    Score: 97 (min = 25: extremely low social anxiety, max = 125: extremely high social anxiety)

    I was told the following:
    Your test score shows that you are relatively comfortable in most social situations. In general, you seem to be able to deal with complete strangers as well as with friends, one-to-one conversation and groups of people. However, you appear to have a number of unnecessarily weak social spots, and there are social situations that make you quite nervous and unsure of yourself. Approaching social situations with a fear results in paralyzing performance anxiety, which in turn may keep you from disproving feelings of inadequacy or inferiority. A little work on your social skills would boost your self-esteem and help you fully enjoy your social life.

    Gee. Doesn't that sound great? I TOO can be a social leonesse...heh.

  • Self-Esteem Test.
    Score: 75 (min = 30: extremely low self-esttem; max = 150: extremely high self-esteem)

    What they told me:
    According to this test, you have relatively low self-esteem. You need to realize that everybody has self-doubts, and everybody fails something at some point. It's part of the human experience. Troubles begin when you take the failure so seriously that you generalize the experience and expect the worst in the future. There is a concept called a self-fulfilling prophecy: when you expect something to happen, you behave in such a way that you potentiate it to really happen. Expectation of failure may influence how much effort you're are willing to invest and how long you hang on when faced with difficulty. It creates performance. anxiety, resulting in compromised concentration and hesitation. You might very well have the ability and the desire to succeed, but expectation of failure might keep you from the required action, response or decision making. Such behavior will result in an increased likelihood of failure, which in turn is a confirmation of what you expected in the first place.

    You definitely need to improve your self-esteem if you want to grow and feel more fulfilled. You can do a lot by yourself with help of self-help books. Many titles can be found on the network (search for self-efficacy, self-esteem, or self-help), or in the university or local library. I would recommend structured down-to-earth books that concentrate on learning techniques with explanations and examples. Audio cassettes can also be helpful, but don't expect some kind of subliminal message do the job for you. Good Luck.

    GOoD LUCK???? Thanx. I go read 'Women who run with the poodles now'.*grin*

  • Anxiety.
    Score: 119 (min = 30: extremely low anxiety; max = 150: extremely high anxiety)

    The Verdict:
    According to this test, you are definitely more anxious than necessary. Anxiety is a normal part of life, and everybody gets a little bit anxious from time to time. Anxiety can range from very low to pathologically high. You seem to be behind the midpoint of this continuum. Your anxiety might be (or become) problematic and start interfering with your life. You would certainly benefit from learning some new coping strategies. Your life could be much easier if you didn't worry so much.

    Oh. Um, I guess I'll..erm..stop then?

  • Type A Test.
    Score: 29 (min = 17: typical Type B personality, max = 51: typical Type A personality)

    You seem to be in the middle way between the Type A and Type B personality. Being in the middle is good in this case. Your attitude to life is more of a ''smell the roses'' kind and you know how and when to relax. Nonetheless, you realize that picking up a challenge and compete a little bit for your place on the sun can add some spice to your life. The equilibrium is important, so don't let the hostile, aggressive, and competitive alter ego of yours take over too often. Generally, you are easy to be around, and people tend to feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence. Yours is a very healthy attitude to life.

    Wah. This is Getting TrIcKY. Now I'm ok all of a sudden?

  • Coping Skills Inventory.
    General Coping Skills score: 113 (possible range: 45 = for extremely poor coping skills, to 225 = for extremely good coping skills)

    General Opinion:
    Your appear to have rather underdeveloped coping skills. This doesn't mean that your are not smart or not fun to be with. What it means is that, when dealing with stress, you are often left defenseless. People with profile similar to yours tend to crack under stress, to be anxious and depressed. Lack of efficient coping skills may make it more likely for you to give up without fight, feel overwhelmed and helpless and perceive less control over your life. The good news is that coping skills can be learned. Below, you will find the problem areas that need most work.

    Doesn't that sound like a 'If you beLiIeEeEvE and hath FAITH' thing?Dunno..

    Reactivity to stress!
    Subscore: 24 (possible range: 12 = extremely maladaptive reactivity to stress, to 60 = extremely adaptive reactivity to stress)

    You tend to react to stress in a maladaptive way. Extremely stressful situations may leave you paralysed, enable to act and helpless. Putting things into proper perspective and de-dramatizing could help. Don't be too hard on yourself and set realistic goals. Accept your mistakes, usually, they don't mean the end of the world. If you manage to reduce the weight that a stressful situation has in your eyes, you will manage to reduce the stress itself.

    Ability to assess situation!
    Subscore: 42 (possible range: 16 = extremely poor, to 80 = extremely good)

    You appear to be relatively capable of assessing correctly the situations you find yourself in. However, you don't seem to be 100% comfortable. Maybe it's just a question of trusting your own judgement, and in fact, your evaluations are accurate. Test it! If you find out that your gut feeling lets you down, try to train yourself. For example, play a ''hypothesis testing'' game with yourself in everyday situations. With time, you will become more accurate.

    Subscore: 24 (possible range: 11 = extremely low, to 55 = extremely high)

    You seem to have major doubts about your abilities and you don't dare to rely on yourself. You might be capable of more than you think. You will never know unless you put your judgement to test! Making mistakes is acceptable and necessary. You need to allow yourself to err. To be wrong feels better than to be dependent. And the sweet taste of self-actualization is something you shouldn't deprive yourself of.

    Subscore: 44 (possible range: 17 = extremely poor, to 85 = extremely good)

    Resourcefulness doesn't seem to be your strongest point. Many situations require people to be able to find a solution to uncommon problems. Without knowing where to turn for help, information or support increases your risk of getting stuck and feeling helpless. There is a way out of most problems, so don't give up easily. Don't be ashamed to ask around if you need an information. Don't be afraid to ask for or accept support and help, but keep the responsibility for solution of your own troubles.

    Adaptability and flexibility!
    Subscore: 44 (possible range: 15 = extremely poor, to 75 = extremely good)

    You seem to be a relatively flexible person and adapting to changes is not too painful to you. You could be more comfortable in adapting to changes, though. Try to be more open-minded, willing to learn, explore. Yes, it takes energy and courage. You have in you, try to use it to its fullest extent.

    Proactive attitude!
    Subscore: 29 (possible range: 11 = extremely low, to 55 = extremely high)

    You appear to be someone who is relatively hesitant to take an action. Changes in situations require changes in your actions and plans. It is true that taking an action brings about some risks. However, compared to sitting around and refusing to change, the risks are worth it.

    Ability to relax!
    Subscore: 22 (possible range: 6 = extremely low ability to relax, to 30 = extremely high ability to relax)

    You are good at letting out the kid in you, simply enjoying life and relaxing. The ability to let the steam out is one of the most important coping skills. Physical activity, laughter, relaxation and plain fun can reduce stress like nothing else.

    I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU READ ALL THIS!Anyways. Don't it feel good to know I'm a childish scaredycat that can't cope with much of anything?Specialy not with people who show such interest in me that they read ALL of these results through..sheesh...I'll try and find a 'Am I A Stalker' Test for you anothertime..

  • Some career/personal profile

    What I aaaaaam:

    You present a calm, pleasant face to the world and are seen as reticent and even shy. Although you demonstrate a cool reserve toward others, inside you are anything but distant. You have a capacity for caring which is not always found in other people. You care deeply - indeed, passionately - about a few special persons or a cause. One word that captures your type of person is idealistic. At times, this characteristic leaves you feeling isolated, especially since only about 1% of the population shares your exact temperament.

    You have a profound sense of honor derived from internal values. You are the Prince or Princess of mythology, the King's Champion, Defender of the Faith, and guardian of the castle. Sir Galahad and Joan of Arc were just like you. To understand you, your cause must be understood, for you are willing to make unusual sacrifices for someone or something believed in.

    You seek unity in your life, unity in your life, unity of body and mind, emotions and intellect. You may have a subtle tragic motif running through your life, but others seldom detect this inner minor key. Your deep commitment to the positive and the good causes you to be alert to the negative and the evil, which may take the form of a fascination with the profane. Thus you may live in a paradox, drawn toward purity and unity but looking over your shoulder toward the sullied and desecrated. When you believe that you have yielded to an impure temptation, you may be given to acts of self-sacrifice in atonement. The atonement, however, is within you and you do not feel compelled to make public the issue.

    You prefer the valuing process over the purely logical. You respond to the beautiful verses the ugly, the good verses the bad, and the moral verses the immoral. Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way. Metaphors and similes come naturally but may be strained. You have a gift for interpreting symbols, as well as creating them, and thus often write in lyric fashion. You may demonstrate a tendency to take deliberate liberties with logic. You see logic as something optional. You may also, at times, assume an unwarranted familiarity with a domain , because your global impressionistic way of dealing with reality may have failed to register a sufficient number of details for mastery. You may have difficulty thinking in terms of a conditional framework; you see things as either real or fancied, and are impatient with the hypothetical.

    At work, you are adaptable, welcome new ideas and new information, are well aware of people and their feelings, and relate well to most, albeit with some psychological distance. you dislike telephone interruptions and work well alone, as well as with others. You are patient with complicated situations, choice may be toward the ministry, missionary work, college teaching, psychiatry, architecture, scholastically to gain the necessary training for professional work, often doing better in college than in high school. You have a natural interest in scholarly activities and demonstrates a remarkable facilities for languages. Often you hear a calling to go forth into the world to help others; you seem willing to make the necessary personal sacrifices involved in responding to that call, even if it means asking others to do likewise. You would make an outstanding novelist or character actor, for you are able to efface your own personality in your portrayal of a character in a way other people cannot.

    As a mate, you have a deep commitment to your pledges. You like to live in harmony and may go to great lengths to avoid constant conflict. you are sensitive to the feelings of others and enjoy pleasing those you care for. You may find it difficult to reconcile a romantic, idealized concept of conjugal life with the realities of everyday living with another person. At times, in fact, you may seem fearful of exuberant attainment, afraid that current advances may have to be paid for with later sacrifices. The devil is sure to get his due if you experience to freely of success, or beauty, or health, or wealth, or knowledge. And thus, you guard against giving way to relaxing in the happiness of mating. You may have difficulty in expressing affection directly, but communicate interest and affection indirectly.

    Your home is your castle. As a parent, you are fierce in your protection of home and family and are devoted to the welfare of family members. You have a strong capacity for devotion, sympathy and adaptability in your relationships, and thus are easy to live with. You are loyal to your family and, although you may dream of greener pastures, if you stray into those pastures you soon locate the nettles. The almost preconscious conviction that pleasure must be paid for with pain can cause a sense of uneasiness in your family system and you may transit an air of being ever-vigilant against invasion. In the routine rituals of daily living, you tend to the become complaint and may prefer having decisions made on your behalf - until your value system is violated! Then you dig in your heels and will not budge from ideals. Life with you will go gently along for long periods, until an ideal is struck and violated. Then you will resist and insist.

    *insane giggle*

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