title>About my typoing
Same paragraph written as I usualy type on talkers:
Yes. I confess. i suck at typidsn. BIF DEALq!q! *grein* Face ut you love it wgeb I alufh and luiosh instead of sinoply laugfhibng...youn cnaät wait dor mew to grin or rgins or hrisn ro hrisn insteas foe hgrin, amditt itw!!Miahsuaha...I wans even fgonna put up a dicitonaty so you'd undetrsnad my ost comoong typoes BUT..heh, that's thet thing. eahc typio's a new typo. SO THAT WOTN' HAPPEN-..yer justt fonna have to relky on mt trusyty intepretrers - Oirsie, rben, karbne and akafa..and one dat.,..you mgiht fidn yourseklf typing laughs and menaing it.
SEE?????????????????????????????*sigh* I'm not even tryiong. bah.
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