Ford Australia & Wheels car magazine organized an automotive design competition. This was held during 1998 and was aimed at young industrial designers and those who want to be. The aim was to design the next Falcon for 2005. The winning entry would gain work experience at Ford with a trip to Detroit to attend the Detroit Motor Show. This would then lead (my guess) to full-time employment. Obviously, I did not win. I decided at the last minute to enter this competition even though I detest some of the designers at Ford. Personal reasons from experience.
So, it was the final week and I decided to draw and submit my proposal. I was having the flu at the time so now looking back on the drawings, they could of been much better. But before I go on, I must preview the current Ford Falcon to show how bad (my opinion) the design is. I hate it and what more can I say?
The Current Ford AU Falcon     [IMAGES FROM WWW.FORD.COM.AU]