A r e a l m a n w o u l d d o t h e s e t h i n g s f o r h i s g i r l
[1] Call her the next day [2] Always laugh at her jokes
[3]Tell her (truthfully) that you can't wait to see her
again[4] Offer her a backrub, without asking for one in
return [5] Call her just to say you were thinking about
her[6] Bring her a teddy bear and chicken soup when she
is sick [7] Write her a poem [8]Slow dance with her(not
only on a dance floor[9]Bring her flowers for no reason
[10] Send her a (handwritten) letter just to say hello
[11] Always remember your anniversaries and bring her
something sweet[12]Kiss her in the middle of a sentence
[13] Take her for a walk at sunset and stay to look up
at the stars [14] Tell her something about you that no
one else knows [15] Remind her that you still think she
is beautiful [16]Take a bubble bath together[17]Watch a
sappy movie with her[18]Surprise her with a candlelight
dinner[19]Never stop trying to impress her[20] Tell her
you love her and mean it [21] Never forget how much she
means to you [22] Give her great big hugs for no reason.