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This section links to all the special features that have been done throughout the years, some cheesy and corny and others are just plain cool. 

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Top 20 Albums of the 20th Century
For the turn from 1999 into 2000, Ilya, Andy, Joseph and Alanna collaborated on a truly epic list of the best albums to ever be released.  You can view our lists and comments here.

1999 Year In Review
The third and most accurate installment of the yearly countdown of the top albums to be released in that  year, with submissions by Ilya, Andy and Alanna. 

1998 Best of (Year In Review)
The follow up to the dismal 1997 Best Of, with submissions and comments by both Alanna and Ilya.

1997 Best of (Year In Review)
Mostly embarrassing.  1997 was a great year for metal, I just didn't know it at the time.  Only for nostalgia does this stay posted, so view at your own risk.

Metal Comments
Amusing comments from people that just do not understand what metal is all about. 

Where to Buy Discs
Take a look at our rundown of some of the best places to purchase metal discs on the worldwide web in this feature.

Featured Sites
Updated May 02, 2000
A handful of sites that are simply better than all the rest.  If you are looking for a few of the top spots on the web to visit, than look no further than our seldomly updated feature.

A Guide to Heavy Metal
Somewhat misguided bare bones 'guide' to what bands fit where in the scheme of all things metal.

History of Power Metal
Updated November 18, 1999
The History of Power Metal, another misguided, but ambitious project brought to life.  If anything else, it is a fairly interesting read with links to lots of Power Metal reviews.

Top 13 Oooky Spooky Songs (Halloween Special Feature)
What possessed me to do this I have no idea.   Alanna's somewhat tongue and cheek look at 13 songs suitable for any All Hallow's Eve party.

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