in Swahili:
Punda (donk)
Punda Milia (zebra)
in German:
Esel (male donk)
Eselstute (female donk)
Maultier or Muli (male mule)
Maultierstute or Mulistute (female mule)
Maulesel (hinny)
in French:
Ane (male donk)
Anessey (female donk)
Mulet (male mule/hinny)
Mule (female mule/hinny)
in Spanish:
Burro (male or female donk)
Burrito (a very small donk)
Mula (mule)
in Cherokee:
Di-ga-li-nuh-hi-duh (donk or mule)
in Afrikanese:
Wilde-Ezel (wild ass)
Wilde-Paard (wild horse)
So how's your Highschool Latin?
Hippocampus or Hippocamp:
in mythology, a creature 1/2 horse & 1/2 dolphin which drew the cart of Neptune...Hippocentaur:
a hippo-horse-centaurHippodame:
a seahorseHippogriff:
a mythical monster whose head and forefeet were a Griffon and whose hindquarters were those of a horse.Hippoid:
horselike, having characteristics of a horse.Hippology:
study of horsesHippophile:
one who is especially fond of horses.Hippotoney:
the anatomy of the horseIxion:
all centaurs supposedly arose from this one Centaur stallion
(This Page last updated: August 25, 2001)