
Linking Back
HTML Link Code
E-mail Me; I'd Like to Hear From You
Our Other Sites

Linking Back
You will need to charge your merchandise with our button charge-card. Just place it visibly on your site hyper-linked to, and your graphics are free!

If you've already used graphics from my other sites, and are already displaying this button, then that's fine, too. Since all these web graphics are authored by myself, this is a good all-purpose button.

HTML Link Code

If you'd prefer the HTML Link for the above button, here it is. Adjust it as needed for where you store the graphic at your site, but please don't change the Width or Height.

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="deptbutton.gif" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" ALIGN="MIDDLE" BORDER="0"></A>

E-Mail Me!

E-Mail me at If you know of any freelance graphic work, I'd like to hear from you. My free graphics are a testament to my 12 years of Macintosh computer experience.

Our Other Sites

If you haven't visited our other sites, check them out! More great graphics by Ann Stretton!



to the elevator

Site by The S.S.Studio © 1997
a.k.a. The Stretton/Starbuck Studio
d.b.a. the depARTment store
e-mail us!

free home pages!

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities